I found this episode very predictable, but I still liked it.

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It would've been much easier to simply shoot Otis dead, and then not have to deal with the following struggle. But I guess that would've made too much sense.

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Shout by Evelyn

Despite doing the wrong thing here (but he wouldn't make it otherwise and Carl would have died so sacrificing Otis was cruel but it was stratigically reasonable), I still feel that Shane is being disregarded by those he love, especially Lori and maybe that's what makes him recentful and we'll probably see more of his ugly side soon. I love this kind of characters - doing the wrong thing for the right reasons.

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It's funny to see Glenn acting so shy towards Maggie. The sexual tension between them is fun to watch.

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Shout by Jacob Hasegawa

That was a bruh moment if I ever saw one

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incredible episode really cemented Shane as a love to hate character
it was just such an intense and epic episode

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Ohmygod.. and here I was beginning to feel sorry for him.. that was brutal

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OMGG, I can't believe it.

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They should name this episode "Everyone is Annoying."

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