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The Wire 2002

how can i see it

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Ohhhhh baby. The brand new HD remaster in 16:9 of all the seasons of The Wire will be airing from Dec. 26-30 on HBO. Digital versions will be available to buy on Jan 5 and the BluRay will be released in the summer. In the words of the great Senator Clay Davis, "SHHHEEEIIITTTTTT".

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This a show you don't want to miss! It took me 4 times to get through the first season and i regard it as the best TV show ever to a close second Sopranos. Fans should go and read the book The Corner, its a big read but so worth it!

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Overrated. I can't understand why this is so consistently ranked as one of the best. Perhaps it's because it appeared before and helped launch the Golden Age of Television. Yes, the show pulls together many storylines and themes. But the characters are not truly developed. I sat there in Season 2 and 3 and asked that question about the most important characters and realised we can have only really say a couple sentenced about each. The show is good and I wouldn't steer anyone away from it, but I don't see myself rewatching it either. I never even bothered to finish the last 2 seasons.

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One of the Best Entertaining Crime shows.

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boring,I can't get into it, it's my third time trying but I can't get pass episode 7 or 8. why is there barking dogs all the time? so annoying.

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Shout by Deleted

Definitely top 3 all time fav tv show

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Raw... Awesome...

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