Shouts about...

The Wire

Season 3

Shit really goes down in this season. This show is so well written. The writers treat the viewers with respect. The facts are not shoved into our faces, but hints and clues are dropped all throughout the show. Stringer Bell's lies are the most obvious example of this. As far as slow burns go, the payoff is well worth the wait in The Wire.

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When someone says "The Wire" is Not the greatest TV show of all time. ...Sheeeeeeeeeeit

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..And this is where the show goes from solid, to great.

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It ties up a lot of storylines from previous seasons in a great way, while also introducing a whole new universe (the politics stuff) and some new characters and plotlines for the following seasons. The Stringer Bell/Avon Barksdale plot is really great but I also loved all the arcs for the cops. One of the best things? McNulty arrived in season 1 looking like (and thinking he was) the great white saviour but in the end he's the most messed up of all of them.

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Feels the most like a typical season of a TV show so far. Folding in the politics stuff adds layers to what Season 1 was going for, but it feels like setup for the next season. The drug story, likewise, has a handful of strong beats & the Stringer stuff is great, but the feels less focused than the previous seasons & more like it's building up the next season than paying things off in season 3. Overall tho, it's still The Wire & I'm looking forward to revisiting the later seasons where they get more into the Politics & Newspaper stuff.

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