The time lines converged nicely in this episode bringing us to what I assume will be the single path before the finale. I've really enjoyed this method of storytelling. It allowed for a lot of plot and character work that wouldn't have been as impactful when told in a linear fashion. What a fantastic run up to the finale.

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Oh finally it comes together to ... the beginning! I’m stoked to see the resolve. Although I also don’t want to see it yet. 8 episodes are way too short for this gem.

I’m giving this at least half an extra star simply for that one shot of light reflecting on that ass. Not sorry, just being rather honest. Although I’m really wondering about those people saying they prefer realistic fighting styles (truthfully, the Witcher has a rather good reputation in that regard) but then I look at those pants and I’m not sure how fighting anything in those pants as effortlessly as he does is realistic.
Gods so many good shots and angles.

On a side note, if they’d ever make a ... successful real life adaption of the Anita Blake series, I want him to be Claude. I know no other actor so perfectly suited.

Again though, just one potential episode for the two fated ones finally meeting? Please make season two :sob:

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I am watching the first season of The Witcher for the second time.

I will say that I'm enjoying it even more this time around.

I now understand the time lines -which were not clear on first viewing- and really appreciate the skill involved in tying all the different stories from the collection of Polish short stories this season of The Witcher is based on into one coherent plot. The way they brought the story full circle, back to the first major conflict and tied up all the threads is a job well done, indeed!

This, for me is the key episode of the season. All the different stories, all the different destinies finally come together here for what could have been a series ender in and of itself.

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I don't see why many are still confused and hate the timeline. Yeah it's all mixed but it's intentional and the bigger picture is worth it when all the perspectives are shown in the end. You don't have to be a Sherlock to understand this show wtf

Now we don't need to have a black screen saying present and past or X days/years later now do we?

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So I guess the Witcher scenes are the past and the Ciri scenes are current time ?

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By the middle of the show, the timelines were coming rapidly, jumping back and forth, even more confusing then usual. However, if you can make it thru, by the end of this episode, it all is starting to tie together. Definitely the best episode of all so far.

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This is one of the least enjoyable episodes. Mainly because there wasn't that much in between, like with the previous episodes, now that we've caught up with Ciri's storyline. So this was basically the premiere with additional information from Yennefer's side of things a little before the present scenes in it, which wasn't that interesting, and Geralt's side of things, from before the present events of the premiere to during the present events of it. At the same time, this episode was definitely necessary, to fill in blanks, to connect everything, but only because the writers decided that having three separate timelines and not doing things in chronological order was better, for whatever reason. Watching what's been going on with Geralt in the past has been the highlight of each episode, and I'll miss it dearly, but thank God this goofy timeline business is over with. I guess you can say this is the real premiere of the show, despite as necessary, enlightening, and needed, like everything with Geralt and Yennefer, respectively, was, up to this point.

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Mousack got me confused for a moment but nvm.

Seems like Ciri isn't good at stealing - apart from the horse.

Interesting, Ciri's grandmother tried to fool Gerald and then her grandparents even imprisoned him?!? Quite a tragedy. Gerald's right: "A dynasty can't survive on arrogance alone."
I also just learned that the street kids knew who Ciri is. It makes sense but initially I thought she'd be undercover (under the assumption that few people there have seen her / know how she looks but that wasn't a good assumption in hindsight and even if that was the case there should've been serious suspicions when she was escorted back to the castle by the knights on their horses).

Anyway, super ironic how Gerald was imprisoned below them the whole time. And then, when it mattered, they first missed him when he escaped and then he just missed them when he came back and they escaped (well, actually just Ciri). How heartbreaking... :o I hope Gerald will find Ciri.

And I guess the last scene shows that you better don't mess with Princess Cirilla of Cintra!

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I've been saying that the timeline in this show is f***ed and this episode show why

Whoever was responsible for the directing and editing of this series did really an awful job.. Present and past are all f****ed and mixed together.. Not saying that it can't be done but the way they did it here is awful and very confusing for the viewers.. Confuse us for 6 episodes so you can tell us more on the 7th episode.. Wow that's an awesome idea, well done

Another thing I extremely hate is the time frame in this show.. I don't know how many days, months or even years has passed between each scene or each episode and with them jumping around in time makes even worse

The show runners really have something with time, they need to be logical about it rather than creative if they can't do it right

At the end I'm only saying this because I liked the show, so I want it to do better in the future

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They could have stopped mixing past and present or put up posters. Preparing the season finale

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The timeline cuts in this show are pissing me off. It doesn't add anything. It's not confusing it's just pointless.

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