I seem to be in the small majority that thought this was a pretty rough start to a new season. With a nearly 3 year gap, I felt the show suffered. Ciri aged years and is no longer a child, something that ruins the whole idea behind her. I felt like this episode was just an episode of The 100 with Beauty and the Beast, and it was pretty weak.

A solid ending promising a, hopefully, better progression in the next episode. But overall pretty forgettable for most of the episode.

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I quite enjoyed the change of pace in this episode—the characters had more space to talk, reflect, and simply exist, instead of always being caught up in massive battles. I especially liked the warm setting of the mansion.

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The bruxa was terrifying!! So creepy!

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He could've knight her 10 times

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What happened to you?
That’s a tale requiring wine.
And you?
That’s a tale requiring a wine cellar.

Monsters do bad things to people.
People do bad things, to everybody.

Great start for the second season! Geralt was exceptionally chatty in this one. Loved the interaction between Ciri and the Bruxa, the way the episode was set up like a quest, and the speech about fear especially.
Been looking forward to this!

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WOW! This episode was a powerful opener for the 2nd season. looking forward to episode 2!

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Immediately sucked right back into the story! I watched the 'previously on...' bit and I had to dig very deep into my memory as to what precisely happened back in season one - since it's been a while - but the first episode just hit right where it should.
I'm glad they didn't drag anything out in regards to Yennefer's whereabouts.

First episode served action, good dialogue, tension and just enough to lay some groundwork for the upcoming quests. I'm really excited to watch the rest of the season.

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I love this show, and this world, and these characters SO SO MUCH!!! Gotta savor this as much as I can, or at least try haha

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I enjoyed it! It was a good start after a long wait.

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A nice twist on the same setting from the short story. That last moment with Nivellen hit hard. Very well crafted writing.

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just when i liked the beast so much, he ends up being just as bad as the rest. it teaches u to never trust in humanity anymore.

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I been waiting so long for this, now I got reminded why I love this show so much. What a great first episode!

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Oh I don't know. seems like it doesn't justify the wait much.

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Now, this is a way to open a series. I liked the first series, I'm loving this one so far. As a side note, had you told me that Henry Cavil was not the one playing both Superman and Geralt I'd believe you. That's how good is acting is.

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The Witcher is finally back with a new season and the premiere episode did not disappoint. It is kind of a Monster of the week story but also brings forward the overarching storyline. Also it‘s great to finally see Geralt and Ciri together.

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very good opening episode, this is the tv programme i signed up for, it has a really good amount of action but also has a really deep storyline, and what i think makes it a real storytelling masterpiece is that you question whether Geralt is a good guy or a bad guy, brilliantly done.

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One correction .. Yennefer and Geralt never met before Cirilla was born or she was claimed as surprise by Gerlat. so yennifer didn't make him claim ciri but he changed his mind after meeting her.

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  1. Did I accidentally put on Beauty and the Beast?
  2. I recognised Kristofer Hivju by his voice, but his face looks completely different without a beard and I would not have recognised him without his voice.
  3. Please give the hair and makeup department more money. I am begging.
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To be honest, I already like this episode much more than the entire season 1.

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kristofer hivju without his beard what a weird look

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To be honest the first series look like cringe crappy movie B-class. But who's going to wait better from Netflix.

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Finally, here is season 2 and it is a superb way to start this show. In this episode, the final minutes get me more emotional and remind me of Beauty and the Beast.

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The movements of the mouth of boar-man are incredibly accurate. So well done.

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Glad it's finally back. Good season premiere.

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