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The X-Files: Season 9

9x13 Improbable

Burt Reynolds was awesome in this! Also, nice cinematography and fun music.

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I love how nobody seems to agree wether this episode is good or bad. And honestly... I can see why: The plot of the episode and some of the scenes didn't make much sense (especially the ending Scene and the way Dogget figured everything out, but hey maybe I just didn't get it) but omg the music and the chemistry between Scully and Reyes was wonderful. Conclusion: very weird but at least I enjoyed it a lot.

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Well, it's very probable (pun intended) that this is one of the worst episodes of the entire series.

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People really seem to like this episode but I think it's another example of Chris Carter trying to be a little too clever, a little too funny and leaning on "Hollywood" production tropes to spiff up a pointless story.

Reyes uses numerology to track a serial killer, which in itself is interesting except that Carter uses it as a joke instead of expanding on the mysterious circumstances of the case. The FBI agents, other than Reyes, Scully and Doggett are portrayed as complete morons and it's entertaining to a point, but the joke wears thin fast. Burt Reynolds plays some sort of angel or something who tries to convince the killer he can change his ways through playing games of chance...I guess. There's no denying how appealing Reynolds is here and he carries the episode.

The final pull out of the camera and what it reveals makes no sense other than to kiss up to Reynolds as guest star.

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Great cinematography and music at the start here.

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Honestly, the rest of Season 9 that I have watched thus far has been such a slog to get through that this episode was a breath of fresh air. The use of music and the highly stylistic cinematography were highly enjoyable; I love when a piece of media isn't afraid to play with the medium. It will definitely be going on my list of favorite The X-Files episodes.

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Shout by Anonymousse
BlockedParent2020-07-07T23:55:11Z— updated 2020-08-01T13:31:15Z

Very silly one, and the frustrated Scully really was fantastic.

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Nice! Guest star: Burt Reynolds in this episode.

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Shout by Júlia P. V. Souza
BlockedParent2016-08-24T03:40:49Z— updated 2017-06-25T05:18:32Z

Well written dialogues, great production value, funny, creative, amusing. And the amazing Burt Reynolds. I'm very much in love with this episode.

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So light-hearted and full of spirit, that's what this episode is. I enjoyed it, it was very amusing and the music, aswell as the editing, is great.

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Scully - "Who was that man?"
Reyes - "God knows"

Now combine that with the musical outro and you have yourself the perfect ending to a 5-star episode IMO. This episode is absolutely in the upper echelon of The X-Files. Only a few will get it and for those who don't, the probabilities were never in your favor to begin with. Burt Reynolds performance was in one word, GODLY!! ;-)

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Episodes like this make me understand why the show got cancelled after this season.

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Burt just kills it in this episode! The music is fantastic as well.

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