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Thermae Romae

Season 1 2012

  • 2012-01-11T15:00:00Z on Fuji TV
  • 12m
  • 1h 12m (6 episodes)
  • Japan
  • Japanese
  • Anime, Comedy
The story is a comedy about Lucius, an architect of public bath houses in ancient Rome, who time-travels to various modern-day baths in Japan. The author explores the two cultures in the world "that have loved baths the most: the Japanese and the Romans."

6 episodes

Series Premiere


1x01 (1) The Roman Who Leapt Through Time

Series Premiere

1x01 (1) The Roman Who Leapt Through Time

  • 2012-01-11T15:00:00Z12m

In Rome in the year 128 AD, a Roman named Lucius Modestus is having trouble coming up with ideas for architecture. While contemplating in a bathhouse, he discovers a strange drain than sends him to a bathhouse in Modern Japan. While confused by his surroundings, he becomes amazed by some of their innovations, such as fruit flavored milk. Taking these ideas back to Rome, he incorporates these ideas into a new bathhouse to great success.


1x02 (2) Swan Lake

1x02 (2) Swan Lake

  • 2012-01-11T15:00:00Z12m

A year later, Lucius is commissioned by a sickly man to build an outdoor bath near Vesuvius. While inspecting a heated well, Lucius is once again sent to modern Japan, this time winding up in a hot spring, where he gets to sample boiled eggs and sake. These innovations help nurse the old man back to health.


1x03 (3) Shampoo Hat

1x03 (3) Shampoo Hat

  • 2012-01-18T15:00:00Z12m

As Lucius hears fancies about a bath closer to home, he once again ends up in modern Japan, this time in someone's bathtub. Mistaken as a foreign caretaker by the house's owner, Lucius comes to learn about more modern conveniences.

After he builds a bath using this knowledge, his invention gets round to the Emperor Hadrian. There, Lucius suddenly finds himself with a strong urge to use the toilet, however he is summoned by the Emperor and has to bear it. He is to become the Emperor's new architect but he feels he is not worthy of such an honor. Not a moment later he is sent once again to modern Japan, this time in a toilet-showroom, where he sees sea life footage from a digital TV (which he interprets as an aquarium) and a modern bidet toilet. He then uses this knowledge to create these for the Emperor.

1x05 (5) The Power of Baths (1)

  • 2012-01-25T15:00:00Z12m

Lucius is sent to a hot spring near Vesuvius to build some public baths, managing to enlighten some smelly robbers living there. When he slips up, he once again enters modern Japan, discovering a city filled with public baths.

Season Finale


1x06 (6) The Power of Baths (2)

Season Finale

1x06 (6) The Power of Baths (2)

  • 2012-01-25T15:00:00Z12m

In Japan, Lucius samples the delights of an amusement stand and a ramen shop before bringing some souvenirs back to Rome, where he builds a village full of baths.
