Shouts about...

This Is Us 2016

WTF? Is this pretentious bullshit for real?

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One of the best TV series I have watched. Incredible story and acting.

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Shout by itachi
BlockedParent2022-10-30T23:01:52Z— updated 2023-02-10T12:07:22Z

This show is kinda special. Every scene can hide something you won't notice until the very end.

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The end don't need to be sad. Maybe it is a beginning of something incredibly beautiful. Quite something, isn't?

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Shout by TV Stats

Season 1-3 was good but it dropped off after. I think the worst storyline on this show is having an obese character that was advised against childbirth, still going ahead with it and even when born disabled, Kate does nothing to improve her health. Even when her obese husband goes to the gym and loses a lot of weight and says he doesn't want to drop dead in front of their child, that was still not enough of a statement to impact her decisions. I was really hoping by the finale that they had noticeably done something, that they at least acknowledged some progress instead of leaving it. As if it's ok, as if THAT was a good example to set... How about "don't go out of your way to give birth to a child against the odds when you can't even take care of your own body, before making yourself responsible for another one?"

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2022-05-31T23:16:35Z— updated 2022-06-02T15:41:54Z

i get it kevin, i too would never be able to get over alexandra breckenridge. also, i love that kevin and sophie’s relationship is basically taylor swift’s “cardigan” <3

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It's been six years and this show still has the best pilot episode I ever seen. I remember it like it was yesterday. And now it has also one of the best endings. Sure, it was less intresting plots, main characters behaviour sometimes irritated me, but still now when I watched it all I would really recommend it. This shows brings so much emotions that sometimes you didn't even know why you were crying, but you did. That was the power of that show.

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My wife and I started watching this out of curiosity. We were hooked on the storytelling and the characters. There were times we were annoyed by certain characters and we found ourselves debating on the choices and actions of the characters. This is a great series to watch. We laughed and teared up from beginning to end. Started hating some characters and then loved them. There was something beautiful about how the story of this family unraveled before us, and we wanted more. To us, This is Us is a must watch.

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This show is going to be very easy to LOVE for many people. If you have seen Parenthood, this scratches that exact same itch, but hits on several different plot points. In my opinion, some of the story telling mechanics are not as effective (looking at you Flashbacks), but it is still really well done. The story wrapped up very nicely and I appreciate that it took its time in doing so. The Pearson's will be missed on my tv screen, and I look forward to the day another similar show comes around!

Average Season Review: 8.17/10

Recommendation: Must See (For Dramas About Families Fans)

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This is absolutely one of the best TV dramas, brought me to tears at least once a season.
:pound_symbol:bigthree :pound_symbol:thepearsons 10/10

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I found this show accidentally somehow almost 4 years ago, and now 6 seasons and 105 episodes later the impact This Is Us made on me is huge, i saw a family, a relationship that was so out of this world that i badly wanted it to be real. These past years watching the show right on air, on cue with the little things, the fine moments of joy, weeps, tears & bittersweet moments all led here to this moment. I really don't think Dan Fogelman can deliver a better finale than this, instead of wholly focusing on the Big Thing, he decided to steer it clear onto the little things in life that impacts the Pearson's & the viewers at the same time. The tremendous performance put up by the whole main cast was so wholesome that it will stay with you. And i am pretty sure that till the day comes, i will remember the finer things, the little things about this show that stayed with me. #ThisIsUs.......

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Entertaining but boring sometimes. I had a strange feeling of wanting to see it and also to stop seeing it. Meh.

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Possibly THE BEST written TV show ever. The way the show is written there is so much depth to each character, simply superb!

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Simply love this show. Every episode is a lesson.

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Rebecca is very, very, very annoying.

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This show is touching me in all the right spots... ewww shut up grosso not like that

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S4 - Weak, I cant watch this show anymore. the storyline moves so slow and Rebecca is annoying, they all are. same demons, same problems, different episode number. this drama has fizzled imo.

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Superb. This subtly sad, softly humorous and tastefully bittersweet show will have you wanting more. Yes it does have a few cliches but which show doesn't? The script is beautifully written and the characters match the actors playing them and the only thing that spoils it for me is Mandy Moore. Sorry Mandy, but I just don't rate you at all.

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S3e12 hasnt aired yet please fix

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Shout by Deleted

This is a show I go into telling myself "don't cry, you're a grown man". But everytime the tears flow. LOVE THIS SHOW!!

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Shout by Deleted

Amazing pilot episode. Made me cry.

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Highly recommended really good series and love its flash back style!

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Shout by Ben

I had no idea >

And to everybody who loves this show » On Spotify there are 2 playlists
one from NBC:
and one from Spotify:

The songs in the newest episode are added on same day!
Both lists include the theme song we all love ^‿^
"This is us Score Suit" from Siddhartha Khosla

As you can imagine … the music brings a lot of the TIU feeling back & will even sometimes gives you chills.

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The best dramatic show on tv

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One of the best scripted shows ever. A must SEE. a great family show. if you haven"t watched, i HIGHLY RECOMMEND it. The cast are amazing, you will need a box of kleenex, every episode

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This show make me feel alive.

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The episodes are too good. This show is too good. This cast is too good. We are not worthy.

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This is, without a single doubt, one of the best dramas that you can ever watch. And you want to know why? Because it has heart, it has love, it has faith. It really tries to give you a ray of hapiness even if you're having a bad day. It's not a drama where it al revolves around making the protagonist suffer, instead it try to teach us the good essences that we all have. The values of love, friendship and most importantly, family. Seriously, it will change your life.

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For all the emotions you ignited in me, for all the good tv bourse you gave the world: I love you!! Can't wait for season 2

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A show that makes a grown man cry. Very rare I see a tv show with this level of acting and drama. Beutiful, happy and so sad

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Shout by JamieJJ

Beautiful, wonderful show that reminds me of "The Wonder Years" on some ways. Every episode reduces me to tears

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I've just seen four episodes of the show but i really like it because it's so pure you can't even imagine.

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shitty thing multiracial blablabla whit no content

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This is the best television right now! God bless this show! Best story telling. Who would have thought that simple everyday's people life. Is what all we neeed..

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The best thing on television right now!!

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So far I am missing what is so good about this show but will stick with it and see if it grows on me, I usually like human interest stuff I am just not sure I feel the characters are very believable.

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I'll be honest, I watched the first epsoide thinking that this was going to be crap. To my suprised it was awesome! The cast fits so well, the past & present way of telling the history of the family is just brilliant. I was a huge fan of Parenthood, if you liked that, then this ia a must see!!

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Shout by Deleted

Dont listen to these angry bitter people. The show is BEAUTIFUL! Delicate but strong. A real gem!

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It'll make you smile, cry and feel good. Great programme

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One of the best things about this show is how strong the characterizations are. The flashbacks are rooted in a deep sense of knowing, understanding and explaining who the characters are and how they came to be this way. Through the flashbacks they show us, piece by piece, things about the characters that they haven't spelled out about the characters in the present storyline yet (or don't talk about at all) but every moment seems important to understanding these characters. The family relationships are carefully crafted, complete with little family rituals, and showing how each and everyone relates (or related) to each other, in those little things you may have with your parents. The multiple threads are tied together surprisingly well, and rarely feel forced alltogether. So far I haven't seen a single weak episode. This Is Us really stands out from the crowd

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Meh, gimmicky pretentiousness. Don't bother.

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This show was ridiculously depressing for about 55 minutes. Everyone has problems, and hollywood just proved again that you can stretch out 55 minutes over one guy's failed career as sitcom eye candy, a guy looking for his father, a fat chick in crisis and a guy that just had two kids but lost one, and looks like he is hopped up on meth. All of this tied together by a loose thread that is everyone's 35 birthday, because that means something to someone.......even though it had ZERO relevance to the plot.

And as per standard "30 Something" script writing protocol, everyone has to have a positive resolution in the final five minutes in montage form, so that the people that aren't smart enough to know that they have seen this show's script 1000 times before, come back for more. (see suckers below)

Predictable show is predictable, watch at your own risk or you might be on prozac with the rest of this depressing cast.

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They say there are hardly any original stories these days, just fresh new ways to tell old and tried plots.

I really liked what "This Is Us" did in its pilot episode and how the seemingly unrelated stories of several people sharing the same birthday eventually found a common narrative origin. It'll be interesting to see how these stories are going to unfold from here on out.

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Loved it. Specially the ending

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This was a very good pilot, and that ending. Superb

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OMG this writing on this show is superb best story telling in a long time to come along. It will make you laugh and cry and that was only the first episode. I am not even going to spoil this because you have to watch the story and you will be amazed how this story is told.

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