Shouts about...

Tiger & Bunny 2011

This is basically a pretty much super average super hero anime.
That could be enjoyable.
But it wasn't for me. The issues are characters that you can't relate to, that you don't care about. The protagonist is basically a All Might (from MHA) value-wise, but he is actually pretty much a looser and a jerk at the same time. He is like the most unskilled of all the heroes available, is super annoying and just a prick other times, trying to play being more important than he is.

Else, the plot is evolving so super slow, the presentation isn't exciting or providing tension either. It just felt like "let's get over with this".

Rating: 5/10. This might seem very, very harsh on this, but I dropped after 7 episodes wasted of my lifetime. And I tried; i switched between English and German dub even, not making a difference. It just felt...doll, monotonous and boring.

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