Shouts about...

Titans: Season 1

1x05 Together

Our boy Robin gave Kory that good ole Vitamin D. Lol.

For now on, when Gar transforms into the tiger, we should call him Shiva as tribute to the real Shiva from The Walking Dead. I want Shiva to fuck some people up!

Whenever an old women offers me candy, I'm going to turn it down. lol

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Anyone else agree with me that Tiger Boy (Beast Boy) should transform into other animals...? I feel like transforming into a tiger isn't enough....

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Shout by Deleted

The best episode of this series!!!! Everyhing in this episode worked ou really. The Titans having scenes together and fighting alonside each other. The fight scene in the end of the episode was fantastic. I loved to see the Titans fighting together formidable foe. The Nuclear Family vs Titanswas spetacular! Speaking os Nuclear Family, I really digged them as the villains. They were funny and threating at same time. I really felt sorry for them at the end. And the end of the episode was fantastic!!! Jason Todd is gonna kick some asses in the next episode. I Light sound reduntant, but the VFX in this series feeling improving. Mutano's Transformation, Starfire and Raven's power were superbly done. Great job the crew. Now I'm hooked to this series and I can't wait what Trigon is planning. Overall, the best episode of season and one the best action scenes in this show. This how you do Titans show.

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New Robin seems like a dick! :) If old Robin had his suit on he would have kicked those dudes asses. I wonder if the Nightwing suit is coming soon.

As a group they still need some work but they're already more coordinated than The Mutant Underground on The Gifted.

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The fight scenes with Dick were great in this episode. Better than the previous episodes, and that's saying a lot. I'm looking forward to Jason Todd and his fight scenes as he took everyone out pretty quickly at the end whereas Dick struggled a little.

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Finally a good episode from beginning to end.

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i don't like this robin!!!!

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Great ensemble fight for the team. It's been a nice build to them revealing their abilities to each other.

Also who I assume to be Jason Todd at the end there? Holy shit!

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And Titans just keeps proving its worth as an excellent DC series! Even though they're not yet exactly organised as such, watching them fighting together, as a team, was wonderful, even for how briefly that was. This show is growing by the episode, quite literally: we now have two Robins (one that looks like a dick and one that looks like a punk)!

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That was an excellent episode, mind blowing! lol

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Titans not only got the blue tinted camera filter from the Marvel Netflix shows but also the whole "villains love to cook" thing - though they managed to take it to a whole new level. Jeeeesus.

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