Always the forced inclusive life. It’s a stain on a good series.
Oh and watching men in tight suits? It’s not only the men who wear those :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Of course they had to add the fag shit, why not ? No reason at all, just to satisfy the current stupid state of things

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Stopped watching after disgusting scene.

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people if you are triggered by gay stuff you should stop watching shows about hot men in tight costumes lol
or get therapy you might find out something

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Good episode. Nice to see that Tim gets to live his life like the rest of the Titans. I am glad that the show recognizes everyone, even as a gay superhero. They are just as real as the straight ones too…

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What a cool (if convenient) way to use Gar’s powers creatively. Can we be done with weird Kory destinies yet?

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