Shouts about...

Tommy 2020

A fair run at a first season, with the usual challenges of trying to establish foundation. I'd say it had potential as a soft police drama, but likely got cancelled because it was far too "woke" and "progressive" for the "business" folk. The show wasn't perfect, but there are far worse (more docile) shows still airing.

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  • Story 3/5
  • Characters 2/5
  • Depth 2/5
  • Cast 3/5
  • Artistry 2/5
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Love, love, love this series already! Tommy is a badass character that we need to see leading a network series! I don’t know what the person that gave it a 4 is talking about. Awesome pilot! I’m already completely sucked in.

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[Initial Impression] A promising premise, poorly executed. It was as if the writer's room brainstormed every possible hot-button social issue and then loaded it on to the central character, Tommy, which resulted in a person that gives no credence to the idea that this person worked her way through the system to her current rank or responsibility. On top of that it has no credibility as a police procedural (A Chief of Police with a one person security detail? No vetting of the people allowed to walk into her office? No chain of command surrounding her?). This series has to get a lot better, but I will let it breath a little before making my final decision, but based on this premiere, I give this series a 4 (bad) out of 10. [Cop Drama]

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