Why is the "evil" version is always cooler than the "good" version? Look at Jim's new armor, that looks like wickedly awesome!

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And then the early-in-the-season big bad teams up with the good guy to take on the end-of-season big bad.
All the leveling up talk makes this feel a lot like a video game.
It's cool to see all the other residents of Trollmarket team up with Jim! And finally the mark of Angor Rot is overcome!
NotEnrique did NOT save Claire's life! He barely did anything!
The useless Toby character causes Aaarrrgh's death. Bah.
I did like Draal getting his dad's approval, though.

The writing uses the word "quarry" wrong in that prophecy thing. I think they meant to say quarrel? Or something else that means to fight/battle. Quarry means a place where you extract rock or to extract rock.

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