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True Detective

Season 2

Shout by Yoshi
BlockedParent2015-07-14T01:04:05Z— updated 2019-03-07T18:09:02Z

Still don't understand the criticism. Season 2 is really amazing imo. Gotta stop comparing it to the first season and just enjoy it!

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The second season started slowly and episode after episode it kept growing in intensity.
Really awesome !
Loved it, even more than the amazing first season !

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The second season of "True Detective" is a disappointment, and not just because it doesn't live up to the first season. With the exception of Farrell who did a great job as a Detective who's life was spinning out of control, all other actors are just delivering a mediocre performance. The Story is extremely over-complicated. While watching I did not feel any sort of emotional connection to the characters or the crime. The atmosphere was great but atmosphere alone isn't enough to save a show. The ending felt rushed and got overshadowed by illogical actions. Also missing is the amazing camera work from Cary Fukunaga, the first season's director.

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The thankfully less important details of the plot were often rather confusing for me.

On a rather unrelated note, though, the verbiage used in this script is overtly fancy and often times the lines that the actors are given don't seem appropriate for the characters they play.

All in all, it was a good show that fell short of being great. It had several small-to-moderate flaws, and a larger cast to manage, but it can still at least be said that it was a good show.

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For f sake, this is so bad and with good actors (except one that I won't name).. the first one was had good argument, great dialog, great innerdepth .
but this .. this season 2 I'm on episode 4 and cannot understand why I keep enduring the urge to stop and still give it a chance, but it's so bad.. and the dialog.. oh men, so bad

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best about this season was the soundtrack

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Jesus Christ this is fucking dumb

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It’s not bad but it feels too crowded and overcomplicated, and by the end there’s not a true purpose or resolution, and by resolution I don’t mean like a happy ending, I just mean like a reason to care or someone to root for.
And this feels more like Fargo, than True Detective, so maybe if it didn’t take itself so seriously it would be better.
The intro song is my favorite one ever, out of any show!
And I’m not sure if I’ve watched a lot of Colin’s work but this is the first time I’ve connected with something he’s done.
Also my main issue is that there were like 15 white bad/corrupt businessmen/detectives/public officers with the weirdest names so I never knew who was who or which one was which. If this was just about 1 Ben Caspere, his office and the movie, 2 his assistant Laura, 3 Frank as a suspect, 4 Ray 5 Annie and 6 Paul investigating it would’ve been more enjoyable! It was like a UN parade of criminals

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Season 2 wasn't as good as the first season, which is a real damn shame saying that. Season 2 wasn't bad and I tried to watch it as it's own thing, but I still didn't get into it.

Colin Farrell, Rachael McAdams, Taylor Kitsch, and surprisingly Vince Vaughn were all great in this season. But season 2 felt like it was trying too hard to be miserable on purpose and everything was way too serious for it's own good. It didn't help that a good looking cast like this trying to act like the world is weighing on their shoulders and walking around acting depressed. As the show went on, I got a little bit uninterested on what was going on, because everything that the second season is trying to do is try to work on something that's not going to work or going nowhere.

Overall rating: True Detective: Season 2 was pretty disappointing, but I do know that some people have enjoyed and liked this season and that's fine, but my opinion on this season isn't going to charge anytime soon.

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I give a 10 of 10 both first and second season, but my favorite is second. I love all main characters, depressive ambiance and of course soundtrack.

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A really, really good hard boiled detective story, with fantastic performances by great actors, solid writing, the usual iper complex crime tale and - fortunately - a much less pretentious tone and writing style than season one. Sure, it's also less visually stunning and less consistent than season one, with a few really cheesy moments, but I found it overall more interesting and less empty. I guess it's a matter of taste. Oh, by the way, the shootout at the end of episode 4 is amazing and sooo much better than the great, but ultimately masturbatory, tracking shot in season one.

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Enjoyed this season a lot. I don't see why everyone is criticizing it so much. It maybe be a bit difficult to understand but as for me I enjoyed it more than Season 1.

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I almost fully agree with the review by @lightfantastic. Although, personally I did think that Vince Vaughn did make a great performance. His lines were just goddamn awful, but he can't be blamed for that, obviously. He made the best from the worst. It's pretty much the same as with the splendid Colin Farrell and I fully agree: he really portrayed an awful character in the best way possible. Great, great acting, but otherwise a lousy script. Nic Pizzolatto deserves all the flak he gets from viewers around the world - his ass was probably just saved by the amazing crew who did the best they could despite the awful, awful script.

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This season was a huge let down and disappointment from the previous season.

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Season 2 wasn't as good as season 1. It's good overall, but the first 3 episodes make you question why you're bothering.

There's a glaring mistake where the guy almost gets away (you'll know it when it comes to it) and someone knows where he would come out. Or by coincidence. But just unbelievable. It would be astronomical chance since he went in at a different place, they ran around all over the place and then magically he ends up at the door they came in at? Just not really believable.

The gratuitous sex scene between the two leads also dumb and unnecessary. There was plenty of other sex in this one, so just dumb as hell. overkill.

Finally they have all the documentation to draw the lines to the fbi by the end.... but no... on and on and on....

The cast was great, but seriously, make the damn scripts believable and leave out the unnecessary sex scenes. The ending is moronic and again just unbelievable. Like they didn't think they had enough drama so they just needed to chock it full like a bad episode of Days of Our Lives

4 out of 10.

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not a great show but good enough if you're into some gangster stories. this definitely is way way different than season 1, where we see a detective obsessed over the psychology of the criminal & so continuously doing his job. season 2,has a different way of bringing the detectives to do the detecting but they do get there eventually, but then it ends up an action movie with very unbalanced power structure & therefore an unsatisfying ending, kinda rushed into it.
a little lacking script but the actors give it all, so that's something.

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Not as good as the first season, but I was pleasantly surprised here. I had heard so many negative things about this season, so I was quite surprised to find that I enjoyed it. Maybe it's just that my expectations were so low that it would have been hard for me not to like it. Anyway, the performances are still great, although not quite as amazing as the first season. I'd give the season probably a 7.5/10.

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Falls into the good, but not great category for me. Bit of a let-down and definitely not on par with the perfection of the first season, but still very watchable.

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Shout by Deleted

Season 2 isn't as good as the first season which is a real damn shame saying that. Season 2 wasn't bad and I tried to watch season 2 as it's own season but I still didn't get into it.

Colin Farrell, Rachael McAdams, Taylor Kitsch, and surprisingly Vince Vaughn were all great in this season. But season 2 felt like it was trying too hard to be miserable on purpose and everything was way too serious for it's own good. It didn't help that a good looking cast like this trying to act like the world is weighing on their shoulders and walking around acting depressed. As the show went on I got a little bit uninterested on what was going on, because everything that the second season is trying to do is try to work on something that's not going to work or going nowhere.

Overall True Detective: Season 2 was pretty disappointing, but I do know that some people have enjoyed and liked this season and that's fine, but my opinion on this season isn't going to charge anytime soon.

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I actually enjoyed the second season. (Unlike the first piece of shite, take a cue from Wallander because you failed miserably) At the end i didn't enjoy how they tied it up all nicely. It started gritty and ended all cleaned up, not a fan, but definitely better than season one.

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