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True Lies 2023

It’s okay!!!
The effects are good and well done, the acting is okay and passable.
The best way to describe it is its full of cheese and it knows it, it even plays into it!!!!!
It’s a switch off, sink into the sofa and be entertained tv show, just don’t expect things to make sense or be award worthy.
Just enjoy!!!!!!

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Well it's passed my 2 episode and give up test! Although not sure I will manage to watch the whole season. It could have been a great show, but seems to want to be an action comedy show which isn't really working.

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Who was the genius in casting that thought a 6’4” guy matched up with a 5’4” woman was a great idea? The female lead looks like a midget in this show.

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After pilot someone thought great let's make a series! Are they having a laugh.

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I love the movie "True Lies (1994)". Jamie Lee Curtis dancing scene is super sexy. I watched 10 minutes of this and I felt like I was watching a day time soap opera. The script is going nowhere fast and with little link to the original movie content/theme.

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The O/G Arnie movie is a comedy that still holds up.

This... is not.

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So - this isn't exactly good. It's just an OK show. It's mostly watchable but it's missing something. I think it leaned too hard towards the comedy and should have had more drama.
This could have and should have been a much better show. As it stands, I can understand why it got cancelled.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Just don't take this series too serious and it's funny popcorn entertainment.

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Shout by luneart
BlockedParent2023-04-27T20:38:36Z— updated 2023-04-28T21:49:03Z

It is weird.
On one side, it is objectivity awful: 2 actors horrendously playing archetypal roles in a spy-comedy genre, which in that particular instance fails at both comedy and spycraft representation (maybe "imo" for that last one, but they really do ridiculous stuff - as long as it serves the badly written development between the spouses. Damn how bad do they act.) Think bottom of the barrel for acting, writing, and the procedural format. And that damn! line! beginning each episode manages to be illogical, horribly cringe and with no context whatsoever.

On the other hand, still watching.
Kinda feels like a telenovella for how they talk and how simplistic, archetypal characters are written and how little development there is, so why am I still watching?

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Shout by RxB

After the 6th episode; I'm really starting to find this show boring. The main couple has the chemistry of a wet mop, the Gib character is absolutely cringe, the teenagers are made of cardboard, the only things that mostly works is the will they/won't they between Maria and Luther and even that is wearing thin already.

Don't get me started on the computer screens. The action scenes are barely passable. This thing is on a fast track to the cemetery of failed TV shows and will not be mourned by many.

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Shout by David Clark

I'm watching it. I don't feel good about it. It could be fun. Not yet, but it could be. If they would get rid of the silly computer narration of their mission. I would gladly bump up my rating.

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It s a popcorn TV show not good like the arnold movie

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