Shouts about...

Truth Be Told

Season 1

do i understand this correctly? Warren’s father helped put his son in prison just so he could cover up him hitting a kid with his car and become chief?

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Shout by Alix
BlockedParent2023-04-15T03:28:27Z— updated 2023-12-09T05:02:02Z

I tried but truth be told, it’s very dull.

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I had the pleasure to go see showrunner Nichelle Spellman and 2 leading actors Octavia Spencer & Aaron Paul on a panel talking about the show, which gave me so much more respect for it. The show is based loosely on a novel, but embellished for drama, centering "Poppy" and her relentless quest to figure out the true murder of a crime 20 years past via her podcast. On the panel they discussed the influence of present day true crime podcasts on popular opinion, and on the development of the show. Intriguing to watch with great acting (especially Lizzy Caplan as a twin!).

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Entire season I was asking myself: How and why the fuck is she allowed to influence the judgment to put people in prison - She was wrong about Warren, wrong about Erin, wrong about the police officer?! WHAT the hell?? I just finished this season and it's one of the worst writings I've seen on ATV so far.

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