Shout by noelct

I love that we follow a loving tribute episode to Ultra Q with a loving tribute episode to the Heisei Godzilla era. At least, that's how I read it. Still being newish to the franchise, I didn't realize that Demaaga has started to become a recent recurring monster in the line, but I latched onto them making use of its obvious retooling of the Godzilla suit to slip in other nods, like mirroring the launch of Earth Garon to mirror the launch of 90s Mechagodzilla, or the animated electrical effects, or flourishes of the score. Intentional or not, I was on board for it. It's also a solid Gento episode, showing his home life and family, which we don't often get from Ultra hosts, as well as him still struggling to communicate with the more primal instincts of Blazar, especially during the final conflict.

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