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All Episodes 2017

  • Ended
  • #<Network:0x00007f751adb99d0>
  • 2017-03-24T04:00:00Z
  • 10m
  • 2h 50m (17 episodes)
  • United States
  • Animation, Documentary, Special Interest
Underlab explores the secrets and obscurities of UNDERTALE, that game everyone seems obsessed with. There's a lot of said secrets and obscurities. Like, a lot. It also showcases and explains the lore and story of the game in an attempt to explain, clarify, and perhaps even discover completely new stuff...

63 episodes

The parallel universe theory states that an infinite number of universes outside of our perception could exist... while it's debatable as to how practical this theory really is, considering how impossible it is to prove its accuracy, it seems like it could very well be a big part of UNDERTALE! After all, why do monsters recognise us after resetting the game? Why does the genocide route forever haunt the game after its completion? Perhaps all the timelines are happening simultaneously, waiting to converge...

Recently, a message appeared explaining that annotations are soon to be gone forever. If you don't know what an annotation is, it's a little, clickable button that allowed you to link viewers to other videos, or to leave an important note. Unfortunately, they didn't work on mobile, so rather than fixing them so that they do, YouTube has decided to get rid of them completely and replace them with end cards, a convenient feature that saves time but can't do half of the things annotations could. Great...

Rumour has it that of all things, a frog helped Donald Trump win the US presidential elections! Is it just a weird joke, or is it completely fabricated? Actually, it's neither! Pepe the frog is a popular meme with origins dating long before the recent race for the presidency, though for some reason he became closely associated with Trump. This video explains why—along with finding out why Pepe is also considered to be a god and a comic book character!

I can't believe it.

While we encounter many morally questionable characters within Undertale, none of them are truly evil, so to speak. Asgore was forced to make a decision he never wanted to make, Flowey can't control himself, and Chara is a mystery beyond explanation. Still, there's no denying that something evil exists within the game--how else is something as morbid as the genocide path possible? The answer isn't 'the player', but something much more compelling...


2017x30 My Last Ever Video?

2017x30 My Last Ever Video?

  • 2017-04-09T04:00:00Z10m

Recently, YouTube has drastically cut down how much it pays YouTubers due to various advertising groups dropping out over a controversy that I never had even the remotest involvement in. Regardless, it's had a knock on effect, and the amount I'm being paid has halved (individual videos with similar amounts of views to older episodes are making significantly less recently). As much as I want to, I can't keep making videos if I don't make more money--doing this consumes huge amounts of my time, and I have to pay the bills somehow. Thankfully, there's a solution: I've set up a Patreon which you can contribute to, which means I can keep going if enough people are so kind and generous as to support me!

A question that's left slightly open ended after the end of UNDERTALE is who exactly became the heir apparent! With Asriel dead, who's left to fill the role? Admittedly, Asgore has things covered... for the time being, that is! What would happen were he to resign or pass away? Someone else would take over, but it's a question of narrowing down who. UNDERLAB finds out!

Alphys is the face of my channel... though I've never made a video dedicated to her! This episode goes into detail explaining Alphys's lore and back story, and reveals various secrets, mysteries and obscure bits of trivia about her that you may not know! Did you know that Alphys apparently wants Asgore dead, or that her favourite anime is seemingly based off a real life show? Watch and find out everything you didn't already know about Dr. Alphys!

Something you may have never thought about is the SIZE of the underground! While it may seem as if it'd be impossible to work out the exact width and length of the area we explore in miles or kilometres, we can give it a shot! While we're given the implication that it's large enough to hold presumably thousands of monsters, how big is it really? You may be surprised to learn the truth!

I've been receiving far too many messages begging me to not shut my channel down... erm, don't worry, I never planned to! There seems to have been some confusion over my recent video, titled "My Last Ever Video?". I realise the title may have led you to think that, but it may have very well been my last upload if so many people hadn't banded together to contribute to my Patreon. Thanks to them and everyone who supports me in the future, things are looking promising, and I'm eager to make more and better videos!

Sans is many people's favourite character from Undertale, but how much do you know about him? Did you know he's left handed, or that his name may not even be referring to the fact he speaks in "Comic Sans"? Underlab explains everything there is to know about Sans, from his lore, history, to obscure bits of trivia you've hopefully never heard of! Didn't learn anything new? Don't worry, I'll give you a full refund... *wink*


2017x36 Patreon Fraud

2017x36 Patreon Fraud

  • 2017-05-01T04:00:00Z10m

thanks guys Explanation: People pledged a large amount to me then denied payment at the very last second, meaning they got to enjoy the little perks I offer to Patrons for a month for free (I have no idea why people would go so far as to steal them though lol, they really are quite small and they're there mostly as a thank you to the people actually donating...).

What is DETERMINATION? While we apparently make use of it for a plethora of reasons when playing Undertale, whether on the morally perfect true pacifist route or the gut-wrenching genocide path, it's never clearly explained in words as to what exactly it's capable of. Here's a full explanation, finally revealing its true meaning and purpose!

I decided it would be interesting to play Terraria on expert, the hardest setting, as a hardcore character, meaning if I die once, it's game over. Oh boy...

The first head scientists poll! Which video should I make next? You decide!

One object that's been the centre of hot debate is the legendary artifact within Undertale. What can it do? Did it ever have a purpose, or did Toby Fox always mean for it to be nothing more than a joke? While I realise it doesn't physically do anything within the game, in terms of lore, it may have served a very important purpose! This theory explains two mysteries at once with some rather convincing pieces of evidence.

Part two of my escapade into Terraria in HARDCORE EXPERT mode! For some reason, the guide decided he's with the zombies and tried to bring things to premature end; even attempting to kill me! Watch to find out how...

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