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Unicorn: Warriors Eternal 2023

It's Tartakovsky, you know what to expect, fantastic animation, beautiful art design, plenty of great and interesting ideas. However for this show I have to say the main character may just be the weakest aspect, maybe she just needed more character moments and glimpses into her internal struggle rather than 'I get angry now' but she was the least interesting and least engaging of them, just didn't quite land for me. Still that hardly stops it from being an entertaining and visually whimsical watch.

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What a miserable show. Horrid pacing, writing etc.
Eternal grudges resolved with a few words, so much telling without showing, a complete lack of care for the world building.
And so much focus and effort wasted on goofs and meaningless action that has no importance to the emotional core or narrative being told. Most characters feel like a gag, and those who aren't don't have much more depth to them, very hard to believe anyone who developed and wrote this cared even a single bit. This feels like a 5 season show of the early 2000s that was condensed into 10 episodes... all while having no time or money to edit it down well...

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Really fun and charming. Certainly give it a chance if you're a fan of animation and Genndy's work!

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I saw Mignola vibe here, it is a interesting idea, also some elements from hell boy 2, from Guillermo del Toro, also some adventure time. Nice animation, kind 40's-50's cartóon characters, but it is boring, this is not what I am used to see in adult swim, childish, terrible pace, lack of action, I just see 4 episodes but I am done with it. They waste a chance to create something epic. Skip it.

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Trakt really should implement a feature that stop people from rating shows that aren't even out yet.

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