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Upload: Season 1

1x04 The Sex Suit

Yeah, that side story on capitalism and the 2 Gigs was nice! It felt way too real though - you better have enough mony for your digital afterlife... :o And Nathan is of course completely right: It's just code (apart from copyrighted and/or proprietary IP but that's a problem of its own).

"Dang, that's messed up." - Yeah, Nora, Nathan, and Ingrid were indeed quite an awkward trio.

Ingrid is such a boring character (just my opinion and I don't think it hurts this show as this basically seems to be the intended purpose of her character). She's relevant for the story but there's nothing to her (and Nathan seems to finally realize it). I wonder why she sabotaged Nathan's car though... She seems way to "boring" to be a murderer.

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The chemistry between them is on point.

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He, you are poor, here it is, you have 2 GB

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Okay so the chemistry was on point. Even if we've seen this romance coming a mile away

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so the girlfriend is a freak and also a killer, did it probably for the mills?

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Hmmmmmm it seems as though the plot has thickened......

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