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1x05 The Grey Market

So you have the opportunity to get out of a car while it is stopped and you don't get out, and instead try to talk to a kid outside the car that likely can't hear you. Brilliant...

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Ending was kinda stupid o

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8.5/10 - Haha, so funny and lovely :)

Nathan, Luke, Dylan, Nora, and Aleesha are just so entertaining together! <3

Dylan: "Mom, it's been 6 years"

Nathan's therapeut: "Sorry"
Ingrid's therapeut: "Yup"

Luke, the Nitely app, and his dates on that cool hotel floor (plus Chloe's male voice at the end).
Aleesha: "I'm watching you dead boy"

The grey zone / dark web (a nice side story to have a hacker's market in their cyberspace world).

Nora: "Yeah, I think I can [trust Nathan]" and then the cut to Nathan and Luke screaming <3 (But Nathan does care.)

The "mem boost turbo" app that seems quite useful (and great that Nora has copies of the deleted files on her ring drive).

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Shout by Reiko LJ

The cousin character was funny! Hope she isn't the latest victim to this conspiracy. It's seeming more like Ingrid is involved now.

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Aw no, I'm sad to see Dylan change back. That could have been interesting. Then again, he didn't ask for the change haha.
But seriously, Dylan looking down "himself" to check for pit hair should made have him see his ladies... oh well xD

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I liked the gray market, what things are seen

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I kinda feel for the kid here, and understand his perspective. In childhood, we all want to grow up fast, no doubt him especially so. This is further reinforced by him literally watching his friends and family grow up, grow old, and grow apart from him. He's sitting there the same as he always was, and the world is moving on, while keeping a even weakening connection to him... Yeah, that's rough, and his perspective makes sense. As an adult, however, I would love the chance at another childhood, so I would say he's lucky in some respects.

That said, I hope we see the gray market reappear in the future. It doesn't for the rest of the season. I also think it's kind of... small. Maybe there's a gray market at every afterlife resort? I don't know, I just feel like it isn't representative of what it realistically would be.

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Well, a touch of PC/SJW social commentary that was actually pertinent to the story line and not at all cringy. Whoulda thunk it?

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