The boys being upset she's not throwing herself at them is getting really tired. She's just not that into you, stalkers...

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I appreciate the time that Bianca and normie boy got in this episode; it really added to her character, deeply humanized her in a way that hadn't quite landed with me until she got her own scenes, and it really makes me like her, and normie boy, too. He's pretty adorable, and they seem a natural pairing.

Wednesday also finally gets her comeuppance for how she's been manipulating everyone for her goals. Plot beats and writing are good all around.

There are also a couple of really nice wide shots in this one that keep showing how good the show could look through some wider lenses and wider AR. I'm by no means saying it's bad, now, just that it could realize the common settings and shots better if it employed them more. The shot facing Enid as she lay on the bed, facing away from Wednesday, really shows how immersive it can be, and employed deep focus as well so that they were both in focus. Unfortunately, that, and the profile shot of Wednesday in the séance, were so short you could easily miss them.

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Like all good hauntings, there needs to be a house, that's all dark and dingy and riddled with louse (or creepy crawlies generally), where cobwebs prevail, the air's grey and stale, the antitheses of, any place you'd carouse. So Wednesday and Tyler and Edith explore, they're not really sure what it is they look for, though behind hidden walls, with their fine knitted shawls, a candescence of evidence provides the decor. But the story so far has left several threads dangling, like all good detectives, she'll need her best wangling, to find the culprit (or culprits), and to make the crimes stick, preventing more souls being lost after mangling.

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It is becoming more and more painstakingly obvious who the Gates daughter is. I’m hoping it’s NOT who I think. I’m hoping this show isn’t THAT predictable. We’ll see.

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The episode was a bit darker in mood than the earlier ones and quite suspenseful, especially in the part with the haunted house investigation, which felt somehow similar to the "Stranger Things" Creel house, though it was an enjoyable watch. The ending with Wednesday losing her best friend is kind of sad as Addams finally realises he really needs friends and does not want to be alone. I hope Enid will appear in future episodes nevertheless since she is quite an interesting and colourful (not only literally) character. I thought that maybe she would "wolf out" as a result of the shock when visiting the haunted house, but apparently not.

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The timing for this episode seems right. Wednesday gets her eyes opened a bit, but maybe just a bit.

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Great episode! This was very much a return to form, as we get some follow-up to the core plot threads. Unfortunately, there is so much plot to press through that a lot of the twists and teases feel read aloud rather than revealed to the audience.

This is, however, offset by some tense scenes of our protagonists discovering some fascinating yet vague clues, peeks into the world of authority figures, and Wednesday's friends acknowledging the toxic nature of her current behavior and confronting her on it.

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I will find you. And I will kill you.

I mean, wrong franchise, but it still kinda fits.

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OK, several things:
- Enid is a gem. Please never change!- They want us to believe that Xavier is the monster, he's obviously not.
- On the topic of Xavier, he's such an insufferable, whiny and boring guy. His obsession with Wednesday almost borders on stalking, I find.
- The daughter was obviously never dead. I suspected this since last episode I think, but this confirmed it for me. She's back as Ms Thornhill - the only character who's recently new to the village.
- Tyler is most always the only adult in the room, which kinda hurts writing it out. He's only a teenager. Poor guy.

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It finally clicked why it feels very familiar - it's feels like Veronica Mars in a supernatural setting, the parallels are actually quite striking once you notice them.

Teenage girl with rather dark view on humanity is very resourcefully trying to solve a mystery, and is somehow better at it than everyone else. In the process she regularly uses the few friends she has to achieve her goals, sometimes getting them hurt in one way or another, and has no problem suspecting at least one of them of horrible things. Somehow she always ends up close by or in the middle of things going down.

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Enid is like a mixture of Scooby, Shaggy and Ron Weasley. And I love it.
I really hope that monster is not a Wendigo

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Enid is the only character in the show Wednesday has any real romantic chemistry with. Enid's measures taken to celebrate Wednesday's birthday and Wednesday's courtesy when declining to wear the scarf hat thing solidified that for me. Wednesday's nixie tube clock is so awesome. Does anyone know what song the music box played?

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Shout by Sam Abdel Hamid
BlockedParent2022-11-27T04:14:58Z— updated 2023-01-29T13:13:24Z

Every scene with that girl Enid puts a wide smile on my face and a giggle in my throat :grin:

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"Come on, don't you like a day that's all about you?"
"Every day is all about me, this one just comes with cake and a bad song."

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