These violent delights have violent ends.

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Shout by Ro

Hector Escaton: "What does it mean?"
Maeve Millay: “That I’m not crazy after all, and that none of this matters.”

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Shout by Ro


A Forest — The Cure
Pineapple Rag — Scott Joplin
Carmen Suite No. 2: Habanera — Georges Bizet[

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Shout by Ro

Hector Escaton: "What does it mean?"
Maeve Millay: “That I’m not crazy after all, and that none of this matters.”

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Anthony Hopkins got first dibs on the #MannequinChallenge on that scene alone.

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I guess all the robot cowboys kill each other to entertain guests but you rarely see many guests around watching. They're following stories unknown to them. Yet they're the only ones around when these stories are happening.
Still pretty intriguing show nevertheless.

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things are spiral, i loved this episode it's kinda building you up for what's coming next. well i certainly can't wait!.

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It's getting more and more intriguing episode by episode! Most of them are starting to... wake but still kinda lost in the where are they going with the maze and the man in black!

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Quite intense scene with Anthony Hopkins.

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I'm quitting this show now. I loved the concept of a themepark full of Robots that are trying to slowly understand what they are but things are moving too slow. I don't care for any of the characters because they lack depth and backstory which for the Robots is one things but the humans are just plain boring and even irritating.
This whole story about Arnold and the man in black trying to go deeper in this 'game' is extremely boring to me and I could barely struggle through the episode. It's a no for me. Gave it a try, lost interest quickly.

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The AI robots are getting smarter and more curious each time the scientists alter its code.
Oh, and this time they put in a rendition of "A Forest" (by The Cure) on the saloon piano. \;D/

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Just one word to describe this episode GODLIKE!

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i kind of lost what was happening with the plot on this episode a few things i didnt understand still good though but think i need to watch it again

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Shout by mylifer

That was really nice ending.

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Although this series is still very interesting to me, I do feel like the concept is starting to become a little repetitive… I want something new to happen, especially something with consequences and development, rather than everything consistently starting over and over again.

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Besides Anthony Hopkins, Ed Harris acting like the Man In Black is something really good, fits perfectly!

Obs.: I'm intrigued about the functionality of that exploding cigarettes. Or that was a dynamite?

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good episode , amd i think the seires will take a nother bath

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Kind of slow going. I'm intrigued enough to see where it goes, I just hope it eventually gets somewhere rather than one of these deals where it's "all about the journey". I'm highly skeptical that "the maze" is going to make much sense.

What a sad commentary on society, that what we envision that the really rich want would be fucking, killing, drinking, and raping. That their idea of "excitement" is playing at being badass while having absolutely no danger to them but ultimate consequence for everyone else.

Or maybe that's the point we're headed to? Is this all some big social commentary on income inequality? The rich are moral-less monsters, the other 99% mindless and soulless lackeys being continually screwed over time and time again only slowly, bit by bit, becoming wise to the con they are a part of?

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the drawing of the man in a protective suit reminded me of back to the future.

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dolores and her basic romantic tropes bore the shit out of me. i wish the show would get rid of her or at least wouldn't resolve around her so much. and come on, why is an artificial world where you supposedly go to get outside of boundaries so limited? same old shit, riding horses, killing bitches, fucking cowboys, or is it the other way around?.. anyway, i still hope for some cool twists.

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At this point in the show the "maze" seems like a bad plot idea.

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