Personal Lists featuring...

Wonder Man: Season 1

1x02 Episode 2


The Marvel Cinematic Universe, including Movies, TV Shows (ABC, Netflix, Hulu, Freeform, Disney+), One-Shots, Specials, Webisodes (YouTube, TikTok), Making Offs, Cartoons and Non-canon productions (Sony, Disney+, etc.).

If you're new to the MC Universe, I personally recommend on seeing all the collection by the order presented in here, which corresponds to the releasing dates.

Last Updated List: 20th of June of 2024 (items organized)

Please feel free to suggest some item that could be missing or to point out any incorrect order.

List Starts On: 'Expanded MCU (Release Order) 1/2'


Allt Marvel som jag har hittat och håller på att se/eller ska se vissa finns bara i USA Everything Marvel i have found and watching or shall watch, some are only found in USA and are harder to watch Or not available to me


Allt Marvel som jag har hittat och håller på att se/eller ska se vissa finns bara i USA Everything Marvel i have found and watching or shall watch, some are only found in USA and are harder to watch
