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Worst Roommate Ever 2022

The stories were interesting, if not disturbing, the cinematography could've definitely used quite a bit of work. The extreme close-ups, the shots of highlighted text from documents, while people were speaking, it makes it difficult to watch, and follow, at certain points. My rating was based on the content, which was solid, but the framing of it could've been much better.

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Worst Roommate Ever is a series that keeps you engaged with each episode's unique and intriguing storyline. Each episode features a different situation and set of characters, and the show's producers have done an excellent job of highlighting the complexities of roommate relationships and the dangers that can arise from them. The show is well-produced, with high production values that help to create a tense and immersive viewing experience.

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Sometimes you don't quite realise how twisted people are, especially when cases like these don't make mass media headlines. Honestly just feel bad for the people who were so affected.

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this is so corrupt and twisted holy fuck

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