Personal Lists featuring...

X-Men: The Animated Series 1992


A big list of animated series, full of modern favorites and nostalgia overload. Includes the best of Nicktoons, Cartoon Network, Disney, Fox Kids/FoxBox/4Kids, Jetix, Adult Swim, Comedy Central, and more. Contains content that might be inappropriate for kids.


I hadn't updated this in a long while, and now apparently you can't add more than 1000 items to a list without buying Pro. So I guess I'm no longer updating this list.


Animations that are made for adult specificly and stuff that most people can enjoy even as a kid or an adult.


TV-shows released and aired between 1990 & 1999, or beyond.
*last update 30/04/2024
(all Japanese anime have been removed and transferred to dedicated collection)


an ever evolving list of tv shows I have watched


These are shows that I enjoyed watching that has been discontinued or finished binging.


All media animated of Marvel Comics and his imprints.


Melhores desenhos animados.

(Best Animated Series)


Great list of 80s & 90s Cartoons from when they were actually good


Classic television series available on free or common subscription TV services


old tv shows from way back, soap opera,


This list contains everything Marvel related.

Suggestions are welcome :)


Movies, series and cartoons based on comics from around the world. I excluded most anime series because there’s to many. Only movies based on manga here.


These are my hand picked collection of cartoons I knew and loved growing up. My apologies, I didn't plan to add so many cartoons to my list. I guess I remembered more than I realized. I'm pretty sure that many of them are out of print now. Many are probably so obscure, I wouldn't be surprised if they're not even available on specialty collector sites. However, let's see how many of these cartoons you remember as a child? So much great history to remember. #Childhood #Cartoons


Classic TV

by Henry Gaudet
