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Yakamoz S-245 2022

I really liked the concept, but the writing is pretty bad and some of the acting is pretty over- the- top.

The submarine crew is a bunch of incompetent, undisciplined boobs.

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Significantly better than it’s ‘prequel,’ “Into The Night” - takes place on the same timeline in the same universe but is much more focused on the plot than individual character narratives. Found myself skipping through parts but finished the whole season in one sitting nonetheless. Could be stronger.

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this was a big let down compared to Into the Night !! but since you need to watch this to complete the series just skim it over.!!

its wonderfully set for a S3 and S4 perhaps of Into the Night !!

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I found this to be a great show, more so because of the story, but the acting was also good, there are a couple of annoying characters, but I think every show has them.

Make sure you watch Into The Night before watching this.

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So boring. Soon boring. Into the night is so much better.

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Not a bad show - it's just really really slow. Which is by design as this was made for a European audience.
The final episode does bring things into focus more but then sadly suddenly ends. Maybe, we'll get to see a season 2.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Netflix literally just copying and pasting shows now. Just watch Into the Night for an identical story but with better acting.

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I barely finished the first episode, horrible acting, extremely bad dialogues and a script that is bad. "Into the Night" was way better.

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While Netflix has put out some real quality shows and movies over the last few years there is also, sadly, an ongoing trend of Netflix releasing and hyping REALLY second rate shows with third rate actors as prime time TV. This is a prime example. The acting was weak, over the top and forced with several characters being downright annoying (let alone incompetent) and the script plain terrible. The storyline, bunch of hip losers saving the planet, showing the professionals how it should be done (or not in this case), has been done to death too. Apparently there's another series "Into the Night' that prequels it, hard pass based on this! If this had been a movie it would have been lucky to have gone straight to the DVD bargain bins! Garbage.

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I'd already watched season 1 of "Into the Night" but didn't know about the 2nd season before watching this. It's going to interesting how the two series' are going to interact going forward.

As for Yakamoz S-245... it's a good story-line, but the dialog is typical European lame which makes the characters unappealing and annoying and therefore you just wish they would be killed off - especially that short blonde chick - OMG - I just wanted to reach into the TV and strangle her!!! And no.. she hasn't been killed yet.

It's bearable you watch if you overlook the bad acting, writing and dialog.. hang on why am I watching this? Its better than a lot of crap out there like CSI everything, but that's not a ringing endorsement. 5/10

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