Shouts about...

Years and Years 2019

British dystopian series? Well that was a disaster. Their intentions were good but the result is disappointing. Better luck next time.

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Better as a family drama than as a piece of imaginative future history. some good performances and interesting interactions but featured a few too many characters for the time that was available to develop them and a disappointing and implausible ending.

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Even thought it didn't have the same effect as if i had seen it when it aired, i liked the first 4 episodes. They were interesting, weird and somehow cautivating but the last two just didn't fit for me, especially the finale.

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This series is beautiful, human and very raw, it is not suitable for everyone because it touches complex subjects.

The passage of time is shown with an excellent crudeness, especially the scientific and technological evolution that shows advances but without exaggeration and completely logical at the time they show in the series.

Raw, human and a drama that makes you think, a very good cast that works excellently, a very good rhythm of the story.

Beautiful choirs, good photography and beautiful costumes, a highly recommended series.

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Dystopian productions can be thought-provoking - but in this one, the world collapses every 5 minutes. Critical minds running after right-wing populists in the blink of an eye, the whole world is in everyone-against-everyone Trump-mode, every second person is homosexual or even a cyborg, and every technical advance leads us straight to our doom.
Had to give up after 2 episodes - this is absurdly overdramatic, this show wants too much of everything. If you're looking for some validation for your fears about the future, the series may be for you. But don't expect anything elaborate.

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A brilliant show through and through, the cast, the story, the way it's portrayed, with topics so current and so serious it just feels like a major warning for what comes next mixed with reality.

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Episodes 1-4 of this show were absolutely brilliant. Such an unsettling show to watch in our current world. However, there was a noticeable dip in quality in Episodes 5 and 6. Especially the ending was pretty disappointing. It had so much potential, it could have had a way better and more satisfying / shocking conclusion.

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A marvelous - and scary - warning of what may be if we keep allowing the rise of fascism...

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The first half of the show was quite good.... but the second one becomes a totally nonsense.

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I was slightly apprehensive after watching the trailers, but I am glad I gave it a go. This is how Dystopian stories should be told.

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Bit of a wobbly start but the second half was great. A truly terrific cast and some strong emotional moments, but perhaps a little on the nose at times. Overall, though, it was very good.

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Loved every episode through time so my thing hope to see more too and the final was full of emotional action packed amazing acting Well Done to all the cast and crew from Years And Years.

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A different type of show but I’m liking it. If you find yourself asking “what’s wrong with the world?”, well this shows us exactly that.

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Anything Russell T Davies has been absolutely great. Add Russell Tovey, and most importantly, Emma Thompson to it, and it'll be perfection. I can't wait for this one!

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