Shout by KD6-3.7
BlockedParent2022-02-04T10:03:02Z— updated 2022-09-30T09:21:59Z


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For a moment there I really believed that they were gonna kill & eat Travis even though I knew that he was killed as an adult a few episodes ago

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Yooooooo, Damn all that was crazy.

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good show so far. I can do without Juliette Lewis. The bad girl bit was good in Natural Born Killers... it hasn't aged well

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I don’t often hear Collective Soul in TV shows, so hearing “The World I Know” made me say the word “respect” out loud.

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And there it is. What every crappy jump scare and tedious "relationship" drama scene promised all season. It's all just awful generic high school witch shit, with a side order of present day characters acting stupidly?

This show didn't so much jump the shark as handglided over a blue whale.

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So Good
Holy-Crap it felt like
I was right there with
them riding the old
"Shroomcoming Train".
Wow what an intense
wacky penultimate episode.
(Ah that old Feeling)
cough..er anyway
I hope we get what happened
on the greatest tv show of
all time "LOST"
where we get 2 camps
that would definitely
shake things up.

The Season Finale
of Yellowjackets

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episode nine: finally something happens

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So far I've been more interested in the things happening in the past with the Yellowjackets in the wilderness and just how they survived the year and a bit out there, but after basically an entire episode of just watching a bunch high kids' shenanigans... Yeah, nah. I want the drama coming from aspects of survival and how that might affect a survivor's psychology, not any sort of drama based off of the writers thinking the affects of a group of teens unknowingly taking shrooms would be "interesting" or whatever. It didn't even do anything for plot progression, either? This isn't a CW network show, but it definitely felt like it.

It's weird to say that all the present events are more interesting now... Let's just say I hope the season finale is MUCH better than this.

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Lol at vans scars. No way they would be that clean

And misty of all people just randomly had a binder of shrooms? Okay!

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And this is where the show went completely off the rails. It seems more concerned with making sure that characters get drunk/high/have sex than exploring any interesting psychological aspects.

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Again nothing answered, just more questions. By now the formal is the same, each episode throw some shock in there randomly & have viewers generate more questions.

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That was one trippy episode! Also this pretty much implies Lottie is gonna be the leader we saw in ep 1 right? Wonder how much descent into tribes we'll see in the final ep and how much they'll drag into another season.

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Shocking first five minutes - Yellowjackets doesn't really hold back at all. Insane episode, as usual.

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There's no book club?

Worth the price of admission right there. Such a great line! :D

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torn between enjoying how shocked i was by the first five minutes (and the fun stuff it does for shauna's character) while also being a bit disappointed that a certain character didn't have a deeper meaning for the story.

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