Wow I wasn't expecting that ending... Jebus

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Thank the God of the Wilderness for hearing me (us?) and finally bringing present-day Shauna back into the others' fold. At first I thought we were gonna get trolled when Jeff got the phonecall and then maybe was going to withhold or prevent Shauna from that invitation. Fortunately he continues to be a cooler character than that. Plus him rocking out to “Fuck the Police” while his wife and daughter were being questioned insides the station lmao.

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Oh damn. That final scene was bone chilling. The actor playing young Shauna nailed it.
What a great switcheroo of an episode.
Glad to have the adult gang back together too. Especially the moment Van saw Lottie again. The season is feeling back on track.

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What other songs are on Jeff's playlist? I'm dying to know. Very eclectic so far.

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Any wonder she was screaming that baby was at least 3 months old :person_facepalming_tone2:♂

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Wow. What a gut-wrenching ending. Everything else notwithstanding, it would be extremely difficult to come through that unscathed. Between that and getting the gang back together in the "present" day, this was definitely one of the stronger outings of the season for me.

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Aye I don’t know what’s going on with Shauna but she’s like crazier than expected

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She must have got those words of wisdom from her mentor, kara

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It's starting to get fucked up
holy fuck hang on....

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Shout by amberrav

I wonder how many times “woman gets pregnant, doesn’t want baby, then she changes her mind and wants the baby, then baby dies” has been done on American TV.

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So Good
"I Was Not Expecting That"
This was the best episode
Since Tai's mirror image
Doing it's own thing,
(Man reading back that
line sounds so fcuking cool).
Surprisingly Cal for a second episode is my favourite character, Adult Shauna
continues to bore the
Hella out of me.
Adult Misty is Awesome
and continues to be the
most fun And the
pull/star of the show.

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Oh boy, that cry face was glorious.

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Shout by Hanzo

"We hear the wilderness...and it hears us."

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