Shout by Mavrik316
BlockedParent2022-04-03T09:40:22Z— updated 2022-04-05T11:54:46Z

Why was half this episode about Muslim Religion!?

This is the writer >>>

Explains a lot….

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I get what they're going for with Violet and all that.
She's a sentient computer uploaded into the body of a dead girl and now she's trying to discover concepts such as what it is to be a muslim, a woman, and all the other things her body was before she was Violet, and whether she actually wants to be those things.

Problem is that it completely messes with the flow of the show, and isn't what people watch it for. I thought it was neat when they brough it up in the credits scenes, but dedicating half an episode to it? It's dragging the show down.

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Wasn't Ocean Master killed by Lady Shiva last season when he wanted to attack the wives of the heroes?
Also, what's all that about Muslims?

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And there we have it, the best DC animated show raised from the dead and finally put in the mud. I'm done.

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This show has more world-building in its pinky than most ever achieve. Five minutes of Atlantean backstory in this episode were more interesting than the sum total of all other Aquaman-related materials.

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Violet is awesome , i love them

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Shout by M12AHK

Great episode, great to see writters explaining Islam In such a refreshing way, amazing work guys thank you,

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