• 26
  • 268
  • 19
  • 1
  • 2019-04-05T04:00:00Z on YouTube
  • 5m
  • 50m (10 episodes)
  • United States
  • Comedy, Documentary
Re-visit some of your favorite 'Saved by the Bell' episodes and learn that Zack Morris was actually a completely horrible human being.

10 episodes

Remember the 'Saved by the Bell' when Zack Morris got his friend struck by lightning then exploited him? Zack Morris is trash.

Remember the 'Saved by the Bell' when Zack Morris committed international kidnapping to fix a chess game? Zack Morris is trash.

Remember the time Zack Morris unleashed a plague of rodents? Zack Morris is trash.

Remember the 'Saved by the Bell' when Zack Morris gave Screech an unpaid law enforcement job after forgetting his birthday? Zack Morris is trash.

Remember the 'Saved by the Bell' when Zack Morris impersonated a woman named Bambi to abusively date Screech? Zack Morris is trash.

Remember the ‘Saved by the Bell’ when Zack Morris stole a dog then slaughtered countless ants? Zack Morris is trash.

Remember the 'Saved by the Bell' when Zack Morris sabotaged Screech's one chance with Kelly? Zack Morris is trash.

Remember the 'Saved by the Bell' when Zack Morris cloned himself to cheat on his girlfriend at her birthday party? Zack Morris is trash.

Remember the 'Saved by the Bell' when Zack Morris lost $20,000 on counterfeit jewelry? Zack Morris is trash.

Remember the 'Saved by the Bell' when Zack Morris stabbed Screech in the back to hook up with Lisa? Zack Morris is trash.
