


The Book of Eli

The first time I watched the movie, I didn't noticed that he is blind. But when you rewatch it, you can see all the little hints for it. Really cool. But every Denzel movie is cool ^_^

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Man on Fire

Is it just me or is every Denzel Washington movie just great ___

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Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning

I didn't understand this movie at all.

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Morgan Freeman is just lovable.

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The Cabin in the Woods

This movie was one big WTF moment! xD

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Grudge Match

That after credit scene - lmao

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Operation Condor

One of my favourit movies of alle time! I'm pretty sure I watched this one more than 20 times. Jackie Chan at his best.

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John Carter

I liked the movie very much! Still hope there's gonna be a sequel. But because of the poor box office results, it's more than unlikely... Such a shame! The world needs Sci-Fi movies like this!

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The Sunset Limited

I could listen to these two men for hours. This 90 minutes were almost too short xD

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A solid movie.

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I thought the movie was really good. Like the setting and most of all Olivia Wilde :3

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Back to the Future Part II

If you don't watch this movie today you're not a true fan I say! :D
OCT 21 2015

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You Instead

Surprisingly really good! Much love for Natalia Tena

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Mass Effect: Paragon Lost

As a fan of the games AND of anime, I really enjoyed it!

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Vehicle 19

I enjoyed it. Something different for sure.

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Northmen: A Viking Saga

Really liket it! Thought it would be a cheap b-movie, but it was surprisingly good!

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Chinese Zodiac

Unfortunately a weak film. I had high hopes for this one, but it was a disappointment I must say. The cast was too big. There should have been just Jackie + 2 oder max 3 other people in the main roles. Also too many CGI stuff. The last 30 minutes were the best part of it.

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Escape Plan

Definetly a good movie for all Stallone and Schwarzenegger fans out there. For none fans I would say not so much xd

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White House Down

I don't know why so many people dislike it. I absolutely loved every minute of it :D

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Ring of the Nibelungs

I can't take this tragedy..

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I really like this movie. You can just sit back, relax and have some fun for 2 hours.
Maybe not the best actors alive, but they still doing their job. Especially Gregory Gadson, who's a real soldier and despite his condition he really kicked some serious ass.

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Generation Um...

Sloooow pacing... VERY slooooow pacing.

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Liz & Dick

I liked it.

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Weird movie, but overall cool.

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