


Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

Shout by Pro Evo
BlockedParent2022-09-13T16:47:46Z— updated 2022-09-22T09:34:03Z

:joy:This show is deffo made for kids ....

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@4qhdfire Are you on crack?

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Shout by Ivan
BlockedParent2019-05-12T19:56:29Z— updated 2019-05-15T19:03:37Z

Much better than the final season of GOT so far.

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@scancom I guess you are salty?

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Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne

What a wonderful ending to an 8 year journey. I am very pleased with it :D

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@teenwolfpack Uhm no? You do know that it's all subjective, right? Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean that everybody has to feel the same way...

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Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne

What a wonderful ending to an 8 year journey. I am very pleased with it :D

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@teenwolfpackIf if you get a kick out of making fun of me, so be it.

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For All Mankind: 1x06 Home Again

Shout by David Wilder

What the heck were those lights?!

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@itswilder These lights were obviously Cylons. xD

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For All Mankind: 1x07 Hi Bob

Seriously?! They tease those red lights in the last episode and all we get is a brief mention of them on this episode?!

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@itswilder Cylons do not reveal themselves easily.

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Outlander: 1x07 The Wedding

The show was very interesting up to this point, it is a pity it turned to such a mindless porn. I wonder whether to continue watching since I really liked the character of Claire and the Scottish atmosphere but I cannot stand these explicit scenes.

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@ladysherlockian Uhhh, sex is bad!! Burn them all!! XD Oh boy...

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The Mandalorian: 1x02 Chapter 2: The Child

This feels like a videogame, not like TV show. And seriously, what do you need Pedro Pascal for? You could just any stuntman wearing a helmet do the same job.

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@onlime Dude... have some patience? It's episode 2 and the show is already renewed for season 2. Obviously there is a plan and he will surely take the helmet off at some point.

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Star Trek Into Darkness

You know, I kinda liked the first movie in the reboot series while my friends that saw it in the cinema back then with me absolutely hated it. We were similar Star Trek fans and enjoyed the franchise up to that point equally as much I'd say. Yes, I liked the first one even tho it was a farcry from the older material and left the feeling that the writers and Abrams didn't really "get" the Star Trek universe and just kinda created yet another "new" action franchise.

But this? I'm almost disgusted by the pandering and ridiculous try at "fan-service" in this movie. The references, the "role-reversal", the whole copying of material and characters from older movies with "a twist" and what not. A shame. How about something original and not another silly revenge story THAT WE ALREADY KINDA HAD?
WHY create a alternate universe if we are going to re-tread old ground and that even badly?
The movie was a mess, I don't know what the writers were thinking, not even gonna mention Abrams, can we just not give him movies or tv shows in the future please? (and that ship crashing into Alcatraz... what was he trying to tell us there?! good lord...)

As a Star Trek fan I feel insulted after watching this and if they are not going to come up with something new and original for the next movie this certainly was the last one I watched in this alternate timeline and will just start to pretend that it never existed.

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You have to remember that this is an alternate universe. So the possibility that some events happen again or slightly different is not impossible ^^
I think it makes perfectly sense.

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Shout by Deleted

So, no real japanese actors on this? That's kinda lame, especially from Netflix.

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@bkoto the creator himself said multiple times over the years that if the characters would be in the real world, their nationalities would all be very different. Luffy (Brazil), Zoro (Japan), Nami (Sweden), Usopp (Africa), Sanji (France).
So before you start spreading your negativity maybe check some facts beforehand. Thank you.

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The Witcher

The story and art style definitely seem cool and interesting, but the long, dull, uninspired battle scenes drag on too much, and the sound effects just don’t make sense. Swords whooshing sound like transformers, and it’s all so exagerated, it’s off-putting. Don’t waste your time, this show isn’t worth it.

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@whynothugo You watch 1 episode and rate the whole show? Okay... Weird.

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Lupin: 1x02 Chapter 2

Broke in and out of prison in less than 48 hours? Eat your heart out Michael Scofield!

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@csbarker thanks, this comment made my day :D

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Record of Ragnarok

Reply by Chris

Rather disappointed. While it has some really good music and the concept is enjoyable the lack of animation in areas is what let it down. I really hope we can get the manga volumes officially at some point so I can just read the series officially. Also Netflix did a really poor job on the subtitles (so many of the location/ character name signs were untranslated when a character on screen was speaking).

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@jlchamberlain Yes, the subtitles were a real pain in the ass... I just wonder if the people responsible just didn't care or if they ran out of time to do it properly.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 3x04 Forget Me Not

Reply by Chris

Shout by Andy Gilleand

Lev from The Last of Us 2!

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@morphinapg I knew it! I recognized the face :D

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The Letter for the King: 1x02 Isn't She a Sweetheart?

Reply by Chris

Some things don’t make do the red riders always find them? How did his friends show up in the same town?

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@d0ndada linear level design bro

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Ahsoka: 1x02 Part Two: Toil and Trouble

There's a lot of copy and paste in this show, at least in the first two episodes. It's Girls In Space not Star Wars and it only goes to show that catiness and bitchiness is still strong in this future.

They are trying to capture 'The Mandalorian' style of acting but without Helms on so there's a ton of emptiness. There's a 'Tom Cruise' knock off and a ton of just standing around with arms crossed.

No wonder Favreau is pissed at Feloni for buckling and letting Darth K-Kennedy to insert her nonsense into this show yet again. She is the cancer that's destroying Star Wars and LucasFilm completely.. her departure cannot come quick enough. Ahsoka was to be the first show KK free, but she forced her grubby nose and demands into this show too in key areas.

Roll onto Mandalorian Season 4.

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@tropolite Damn, you should consider selling your insider information. That's some deep knowledge of behind the scenes stuff! I am envious!

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See: 2x02 Forever

I knew it! That Haniwa and Wren will be a thing, it's a cliche at this moment where almost every series needs to include a lesbian to the story. Man Eden Epstein is a pretty woman. I can't get over how pretty she is.

And what an unexpected duo from Baba Voss and Witch General. So far they make the series more interesting every episode and the world of See is getting bigger by introducing us to these new sighted characters.

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@helmheim Well, I agree, but lets be honest here... 10 years ago it would've been a man and a woman in the very same situation as a cliche xD
So who cares

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The Boys: 3x04 Glorious Five Year Plan

Shout by Lazo

Great episode, I hope that the Boys get permanent powers eventually, like in the comics.

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@olilaz Seriously? What the shit man.... Put that in spoiler dumbass

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1923: 1x05 Ghost of Zebrina

Shout by jbergenudd

Plot hole?
How could a ship that’s only drifting catch up with the tug boat that was under engine at least until 3-3:30 in the night? I find that highly unlikely…

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@jbergenudd But they explained it... it's a ghost ship! :smirk:

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See: 2x01 Brothers and Sisters

Good audio & video journey. Great job by the actors because I’m sure it’s difficult to act blind. But I still can’t get over the whole everyone is blind thing. If they are blind, why they need cloths (no one can see you). How do they swords (where they find metal)? How do they make walking paths? How they cross the ice landscape? So many questions. I guess back to Turning off my mind.

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@whos_ur_buddha Well, you have to remember that the people in this world already lived like that for centurys, so they adapted. And if the show would take the time to explain EVERYTHING the viewers would complain that they explain too much instead of furthering the plot.

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Squid Game: 1x08 Front Man

AND IT'S CONFIRMED!! You don't understand how much I enjoyed hearing Eugene (from Mr. Sunshine)'s voice come out from behind that mask during these episodes ahaha.

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@itsmepreethi goddamnit, I knew that I've seen his face before! xD

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Sword Art Online: 4x13 The War of Underworld

that leafa scene was so UNNECESSARY

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@carlosant Not really. Just showed again how evil some characters in this world are.

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Attack on Titan: 1x07 Small Blade: The Struggle for Trost (3)

Reply by Chris

1/3rd of the episode is people crying, another 1/3rd are repeated scenes already watched and the rest is something new or interesting to watch.

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@alantroll Now, over 8 years later, I hope you have matured enough to appreciate it all

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Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation: 2x17 My Older Brother's Feelings

Reply by Chris

Filler episode... Waste of time.

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@xtremebrah Do you even have a heart goddamnit! :sob:

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Taxi Driver: 2x16 The Final Client

Reply by Chris

who is that pretty gal that came to help them?

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@announcement Her name is Kim So-Yeon

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The Terminal List: 1x08 Reclamation

Reply by Chris

From the first episode with Reece and Ben on the boat conversing, I thought to myself " I really wish Ben has nothing to do with it ". And throughout the show I built a trust in Ben and I dismissed any suspicion from his side. That finale reveal was a bummer; nevertheless, it was a solid conclusion for the show.

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@typongtv Yeah that was the one thing I didn't like about the finale... :/

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Halo: 1x08 Allegiance

Reply by Chris

The series is "based on" the HALO franchise, it will never, never, never adapt anything from the games literally. I understand the fans' annoyance but on its own terms it's an entertaining show "based on" HALO universe, except for the Kwan subplot which is rubbish.

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@afox1789 Agreed. I still think it's funny that Hollywood always tries to change story/characters instead of just adapting what's already there and what's good.

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