


Coldplay: A Head Full of Dreams
The Dark Knight

I miss Heath.


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Shout by Fran
BlockedParent2019-01-24T22:40:39Z— updated 2019-02-21T21:53:57Z

I was so excited for this movie, but it fell short. The film was reaaaally slow and even though it gave it a different style from most heist movies, in the end, it was just really underwhelming. Giving it an 8 solely for Vi, Daniel and Elizabeth, who were all amazing.


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The Godfather: Part II
God's Own Country

Shout by Fran
BlockedParent2019-01-29T11:33:49Z— updated 2019-11-04T18:31:34Z

I just love the simplicity of this movie, how unpretentious and raw it is. Just real emotion, real struggle, real nitty gritty work. The almost documentary feeling is coupled with breath taking scenery and cinematography to make for the most serene, beautiful, intense film. It's so refreshing to see a story about two gay men that doesn't revolve around their sexuality, but instead focuses on their personality traits - Gheorghe's romanticism, Johnny's fear of real emotion or commitment. As characters they really bring out the best in each other and it's so beautiful to watch. It's a love story, that happens to be between two men. Not once is their sexuality an issue for them, or the people around them. I just LOVE Josh O'Connor though, hope to see him in more stuff soon.


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At Eternity's Gate
Cold War

Visually stunning, but the love story was lacklustre, personally. Just felt like something I'd seen a hundred times before, only this time it was told through beautiful, sober and intense film making, which made for a very interesting viewing experience nevertheless. I like how the film started and ended in the same place - no matter how much they tried to escape, in the end all they had was rural Poland . I also absolutely loved the music and Joanna Kulig's performance. The little insight we're given into Cold War Poland adds texture to the film, and you could say its title is a play on words between the time in which the story is set and the couple's relationship and journey to being happy/together.


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The Favourite

Oh, this was f*cking fabulous.

  1. i love women!!!!!!! God, Olivia, Emma and Rachel are SO good in this and their characters are all so freaking iconic.
  2. the sass and personality from the first second of the film till that ending. the whole thing smelled of legendary.
  3. im not the biggest fan of period films but if they all looked like this i would be.
  4. gays make everything better, they really do


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This Is Us: 3x12 Songbird Road (2)

this felt a bit awkward and cheesier than usual, but i loved seeing how jack dealt with meeting his brother again back in 92.

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Man in an Orange Shirt

This was so touching, honestly. It's insane to think how far we've come, how hard lgbt+ people in the past fought and hurt to make sure we didn't have to hurt as bad. I thought it was lovely how in the end Michael's letter fit almost perfectly with Adam and Steve's story .


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The Wife

This was a pretty simple, straight forward film, nothing that makes you think too much. But it is enjoyable and it carries an important message about male privilege. Glenn Close is brilliant.


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First Reformed

This was.... interesting. It's one of those films that tries to do too much and ends up falling short. It was a bit all over the place for me in terms of not only style, but also storyline and characters. There are some really incredible dialogues, and the connection between the catholic religion and environmental activism was something that I had never thought about before and yet makes so much sense, so that was definitely my favourite part about this film: it touches a subject and a discussion through an original perspective, even if at times it felt a bit propagandistic. The ending sure was something.. not particularly one I liked, though.


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Shout by Fran
BlockedParent2019-02-17T19:38:48Z— updated 2019-02-21T21:52:28Z

AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This film is SO beautiful. Love pours from it and flows through it. It touches on so many important subjects and raises so many questions about what's morally right and wrong. The little kids, Shota and Yuri/Lin are the heart of this film, their mum Yoko is the soul, but every character earned such a special place in my heart, they were all written with so much care and attention and softness. I definitely need to rewatch again because it being spoken in a language I don't understand, even if with the aid of subtitles, there's a lot of meaning that gets lost and this film is particularly filled with it. The last two scenes will stay on my mind for days to come I'm sure of it, and that's when I know a movie should go straight to my favourites list.


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This was great. The first act was a bit of a yawn but as soon as it gets to the really important world-changing stuff, the movie really grips you in. I loved the satirical tone of it all, and the self aware after credits scene.

I was so angry all throughout this, so I guess it did its job. I really do hate americans, except maybe Amy Adams.


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A Walk to Remember

this is the softest, purest thing i've ever seen oh my god


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Young Mr. Lincoln

Shout by Fran
BlockedParent2019-02-19T18:28:06Z— updated 2019-02-26T13:48:52Z

watched this in a film class... i dont really care for old movies, and even the story in this one was uninteresting and unoriginal (for a viewer of the 21st century ofc im sure it had its wonders back when it came out). I mean, Elle Woods literally did this same thing in Legally Blonde.


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If Beale Street Could Talk

Moonlight’s basically my favourite film so I was really looking forward to watching Barry’s second feature and I’m sad it didn’t struck me as intensely as Moonlight did. I think much of it is due to the screenwriting which Barry contributed to but didn’t do by himself in Moonlight, unlike in this film which he wrote all on his own and for me, it was underwhelming. The pace was a bit off and dragged in some parts, but the story was still relevant. Now, what is undeniably Barry’s strong point is the beautiful way he shoots his films, and what i feel will become his signature slow motion close ups. The love story was beautiful, sure, but i feel like the issue the film deals with deserved something more dramatic. But still, I quite liked it.


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Dear John

That was good! The conflict was interesting, the nod at the autism spectrum was unexpected and it worked quiet well, John's dad was heartwarming. John and Savannah were cute. The "see you soon, then" thing was awful tho hfgfhjgjjj i cringed every time they said it. But still.. i enjoyed myself!


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Please, oh my god, this was so iconic, I can't believe it took me this long to watch it, I totally understand why it's such a classic. Everything from the fashion, to the music, to Cher?? I love Cher so much, she deserves the world, I hope her and Josh are happily married with a cute family right now.


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Vox Lux

In all honesty if Natalie's performance had been better, and the music wasn't so awful (like AWFUL @ SIA what is it you doing bb????) this movie would have worked SO well for me. It's just that the darkness of the story has so much potential but i felt like Corbet was afraid to really just go full twisted nightmare, and ended up with a mix of generic story about a pop star and a full on thriller about the pornographic society we live in. Damn it, I really wanted to love this one.

(oh that scene where young Celeste talks about the tunnel in her nightmares THAT'S what the film should have been aaall about... sad)


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Rewatching this after Green Book won an Oscar for Best Picture is very enlightening.

Selma is an incredibly powerful film about an incredibly powerful story that shines the light where light should be shed, that gives voice to those that historically were robbed of it. That tells the story of one of the greatest leaders of our time.


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Right, how many times did Rocky say "you know" during the entire movie? I count about two thousand.

((Nah seriously though, I fell in love with the Creed movies and needed to come and see what the OG was all about, and it didn't disappoint. There are a lot of iconic scenes in this, for sure, even if I thought the story was a bit wild, like that'd ever happen in real life.... but that's what movies are all about, isn't it? Rocky is a great character.))


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Second Act

YES to women empowerment and YES to Milo Ventimiglia's ass!!!


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Dazed and Confused

This was a nice watch lol things have changed so much


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Before the Flood

This is great in the sense that it's very clear and simplifies something so complex in a way that's easy to understand for everybody. Didn't tell me much I didn't know before, but it did have a positive attitude that was surprising.


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Pride & Prejudice

I've never seen a film fail the Bedchel test so royally but still, a epic love story, with gorgeous photography and some incredible scenes and dialogue.


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The Place Beyond the Pines

Absolutely love the way this story was told, even if everything that happened after Luke's death was quite predictable. Not enough Ryan Gosling, way too much Bradley Cooper. But that first act is beautiful, and so is the last.


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Captain Marvel

im not a big fan of this kree stuff but gosh i love brie SO much and seeing shield and the marvel universe in the 90s was iconic. hope the second instalment will be better!


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Professor Marston and the Wonder Women



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this was so freaking cute omg, i wanna be like them when i grow up.


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