


Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5x22 The End

Reply by Fran


Shout by Hamadam

No just No
Enough with the weak scenario, with milking one plot for the whole season, with low budget small environments, with not caring about what's happening on its own parent universe.
This show became garbage for the last few seasons, I'm hoping it's not a money problem and it's something they can fix if not the next season will be last...

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@morphinapg true that could be a bit of a fixer-upper way to connect it all but i dont blame them for not putting that together

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Euphoria: 1x01 Pilot

Reply by Fran


Shout by Fran
BlockedParent2019-07-05T17:40:28Z— updated 2019-08-29T12:00:23Z

the comments saying this is an honest portrayal of modern teens................ @ american teenagers are yall ok? is everything ok at home? this show's like everything i hate about american culture but i guess i should have seen that coming. won't be watching it again, which is disappointing cus i love zendaya and she's so cute in this :(

EDIT: i watched the whole season and the way the show’s directed, edited and generally its technical aspects are amazing. some issues are delt with really really well (rue’s depression for example) but everything else is just very much still an extra american teen show that makes me cringe every time i have to remind myself im watching the lives of 16 and 17 yos.


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@chopke i mean i was a teen like literally 2 years ago and i can safely say my experience, and that of everyone around me, was NOT like this show omg. there are so many teenage shows that are crazy sexual and where everyone acts independent and like adolescence is the craziest time ever and it just isn’t like that....

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Reply by Fran

As much as the fights were getting a bit repetitive by the end, this is still one of the most well-done super hero movies i've ever seen. It grips you from start to finish and it's hard to watch at some parts, but it truly elevates the genre in a way that hasn't been done since the Dark Knight Trilogy. It shows what real life would actually look like if there were enhanced people in it, without unnecessary comedy to lighten up the mood, without flashy fireworks (not that there's anything wrong with that, but something different is definitely welcomed right now). I just loved it so much.

The only reason I'm not giving it a 10 is cus from all the x men movies, this one included, Logan/Wolverine never really became a favourite, he's just not the sort of character that wins my heart over. Laura on the other hand... love her so freaking much.


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@jomiguelsa ive struggled with the confusing timeline myself. the only way i found to un-confuse it was to leave out some of the movies all together. x men the last stand was one of the movies i decided not to watch, and without it, the timeline almost makes sense. i also made the decision to only watch logan after the xmen franchise was finally done (after dark phoenix) because i had read everywhere that this movie basically undid all the effort that was put into days of future past to correct the timeline. so i thought id watch it as a completely separe instalment purely because of how good i heard it was, and i know i wanted to watch it, even if the lack of continuity would piss me off. so yeah... to answer your question, the only way to find a timeline that makes any sense in the xmen movies is to ignore the last stand and the solo wolverine movies exist.... at least that’s the conclusion i reached.

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Pain and Glory

Reply by Fran

I'm surprised this film has such a low rating on here, i found it brilliant. It was the first time i watched an Almodovar film and I think i picked a great one to start with, because it turned me into a fan. Not only is the direction in this film brilliant, so is the writing and that's all down to him. You can tell it's auteur cinema, because there's this cohesiveness that's so satisfying and that pushes the narrative forward. It auto-references itself in a way that's surprising and moving and it tells someone's life story, set in different times, while almost making it feel like it's all happening at the same time. The past is so present and constant, there's so much intention in everything that's happening both in the flashbacks and in the present. This film feels like a spider-web but Almodovar simplifies it enough to make for a beautifully satisfying watching experience. The ending is just the cherry on top. Absolutely adored it!

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@koniboy true. after all my favourite movie has a 73% rating on here smh

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Tell It to the Bees

Reply by Fran

Pride Month 1 film a day challenge:


Where do I even start with this film.................................................... Gosh it's so lovely, it's making me want to cry.

I'm gonna have to do bullet-points cus there's so much i want to talk about.

  1. The fact that this film is based on a novel written by a woman, it's written for screen by two women, directed by a woman, and has two incredible female leads.

  2. The way it gets w|w love so perfectly right (probably due to reasons explained in point 1). It's shown through subtle looks and growing tension, through friendship, understanding and romance. The characters fit so well together. Each of them is a complex, multifaceted, well built character with their own struggles and strength, and they each bring out the best in one another. Jean helps Lydia see her worth, helps her see she can stand on her own. Lydia helps Jean let herself go, conquer her past and breathe out.

  3. Charlie and the bee subplot - honestly amazing. This film said gay rights and bee rights and literally that's all we, the human race, should care about too. The recurring idea of a beehive being composed of mostly females, living in perfect harmony. The recurring theme of bees listening to you, and keeping your secrets. The way Charlie finds purpose in keeping them. The way the bees freaking save the day!!!!!!!!! Oh my god... a dream literally a dream.

  4. Still on Charlie: the way the film destroys toxic masculinity with the figure of his absent father and the way he tells Charlie he needs to be a man, just because he cares about nature.

  5. Annie's subplot: telling yet another woman's story, and adding a interracial relationship too. The scene where they force her miscarriage is haunting and really drives the point of how little women could dictate their own lives then home.

  6. The photography!!!!!! Rural Scotland's a breathtakingly beautiful scenery, but there are countless gorgeous shots all around (when Jean's watching Lydia take a bath........................................... and she looks back......................... poetic cinema).

  7. The only reason I'm not giving this a 10 is, whilst i understand the ending, i still don't think there was a big enough reason for them to end up apart. Just let them be together for god's sake.


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@movielijst Thank you and honestly!!!

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The Avengers

Reply by Fran

I’m doing a mini rewatch before Endgame and I swear I started crying when Tony said "If we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it". I just can’t believe how far this universe has come and how much the original 6 have grown and changed. I really really really love this world and these characters and I’m not ready to say goodbye to them. So Tony, Steve, you all better stay fucking alive :sneezing_face:


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@mollyelton PLEASE..... i played myself. Innocent young me thinking there was any possibility at all of them surviving was foolish. Thank you tho :disappointed::fist:

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Reply by Fran

It was an important story to tell, but no amount of stars in your cast can make up for a superficial script. This cast and this story with a more ambitious production could have been bombastic, pun totally intended lol

p.s: i am so fucking obsessed with Charlize Theron... she is one of the greatest actors of our generation, but she needs to start getting cast in better movies im begging

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@tgrbabydoll I’m literally a woman

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x05 Truth

Reply by Fran

Ahhhhhh i’m so happy they are not shying away from the tough conversations on what it means to be Captain America in this decade. I love symbolism in storytelling and there’s no stronger symbol than that shield, and the way they have used it as a vehicle and representative of the different American identities (good and (really) bad) has been incredible.

Steve Rogers, John Walker, Sam Wilson and Isaiah Bradley all represent sides of the US that co-exist, and John Walker being the effective Captain America for most of this show isn’t accidental - he’s the side of America that’s most present and salient right now (in the world off the screen), but ending the show with Sam Wilson carrying that shield - and going through all the issues that that might bring up - is as powerful a message as any - one of hope and of what the US should aspire to be. Steve Rogers is no longer enough, Steve Rogers is the American Dream - Isaiah Bradley the American Reality - and Sam Wilson is both. This show, and all of Captain America’s storyline, is about so much more than just men in spandex and they’ve done a fantastic job taking it even further here. Glad Marvel is still delivering after so many years, makes me proud to be a fan!

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@bkurtz Thank you!! Curious to see what they do with the finale :)

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x05 Truth

Reply by Fran

Ahhhhhh i’m so happy they are not shying away from the tough conversations on what it means to be Captain America in this decade. I love symbolism in storytelling and there’s no stronger symbol than that shield, and the way they have used it as a vehicle and representative of the different American identities (good and (really) bad) has been incredible.

Steve Rogers, John Walker, Sam Wilson and Isaiah Bradley all represent sides of the US that co-exist, and John Walker being the effective Captain America for most of this show isn’t accidental - he’s the side of America that’s most present and salient right now (in the world off the screen), but ending the show with Sam Wilson carrying that shield - and going through all the issues that that might bring up - is as powerful a message as any - one of hope and of what the US should aspire to be. Steve Rogers is no longer enough, Steve Rogers is the American Dream - Isaiah Bradley the American Reality - and Sam Wilson is both. This show, and all of Captain America’s storyline, is about so much more than just men in spandex and they’ve done a fantastic job taking it even further here. Glad Marvel is still delivering after so many years, makes me proud to be a fan!

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@mattdeezly1996 This comment is so meta, that's really funny.

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Reply by Fran

oh those poor old gays


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@2016moonlight i see you in almost every queer movie's comment section lmfaooo

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:sob::sob::sob: if there’s gays in it im watching

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Reply by Fran

oh those poor old gays


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@sheryl_adams lmaoooooo if that's my rep, i am all for it haha

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Strangers on a Train

Reply by Fran

I really played myself when I decided to cover queer coding for my dissertation, I’m just gonna be watching a bunch of gay characters dying in crazy ass ways for the next few months uh

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@nescobar-a-lop-lop trakt is a free platform and the same way my comment annoyed you, your reply annoyed me even more. see how that works.

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Desert Hearts

The editing in this movie sends me but oh my god would i risk it all for these cowboy lesbians

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@anjektus_film nothing is wrong! i just thought some transitions and fades were a bit corny

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x06 One World, One People


okay so now that my proposal is out of the way (i love sam wilson), a couple of things:

kind of upset they killed Karli and gave that Walker asshole a semi redemption arc where he saves a bunch of people instead of getting revenge... it made me gag. I hate him (really do not care about that USAgent crap unless it's to write him off eventually). Even if Karli IS dead, the Flag Smashers storyline was surprisingly well done, they really gave them more voice and more respect than I thought they would. It is a very worthy cause and incredibly relevant as of right now, with the current migrant crisis - having Sam see the good in it and defend them in that incredible speech was pleasantly surprising. That was truly the highlight of the episode - when he told those powerful world leaders that the helplessness they felt against Thanos is the same helplessness the underprivileged feel against them every day... that HIT HARD (Anyone who's been paying attention knows Thanos was always the stand in for dictators and imperialists, but it's great that they've finally driven the point home). Anthony Mackie did a great job this whole season, Sam Wilson is the perfect Captain America (did I mention I love him?). Bucky took a little bit of a backseat which is totally fine, he's had more screentime in the films over the years, it feels balanced. Sebastian and Anthony's chemistry is undeniable, I hope we get a second season or a film cus they're too good to waste.

The Power Broker reveal... everyone and their mothers saw it coming, bit underwhelming. I'm interested to see what they do with Sharon's character now, she's incredibly hot as a rogue spy criminal boss lady.

Also, beyond Sam's speech, the scene with Isaiah at the museum sent chills all up my spine. This show is really important for the current moment we've living in. Marvel did great. PLEAAAASE give me a second season.

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@hamadam Literally... they stripped him of his title and said that's enough justice for today LOL also.... the "you didn't think Lemar's life mattered?!?!?!" line was... a very interesting choice of words in this specific context. There's no way they wrote that line accidentally. I thought they'd make it clear Walker is a nationalist with rage issues in this episode, but they totally backtracked the progress they'd made throughout the season for some quick flashes of him fighting next to Sam and Bucky and that blink-and-you-miss-it redemption moment.... It was the major let down of the season for me. Everything related to the two main characters was brilliant, but they did Karli dirty and I'm not at all happy with how they closed up Walker's SL (for the season at least...).

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5x22 The End

Shout by Hamadam

No just No
Enough with the weak scenario, with milking one plot for the whole season, with low budget small environments, with not caring about what's happening on its own parent universe.
This show became garbage for the last few seasons, I'm hoping it's not a money problem and it's something they can fix if not the next season will be last...

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@hamadam maybe! but for example chloe, iain, clark, natalia, elizabeth all had such such powerful stuff this season and even in this episode alone. but i get what you're saying haha just think 1/10 is a bit harsh

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5x22 The End

Shout by Hamadam

No just No
Enough with the weak scenario, with milking one plot for the whole season, with low budget small environments, with not caring about what's happening on its own parent universe.
This show became garbage for the last few seasons, I'm hoping it's not a money problem and it's something they can fix if not the next season will be last...

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@hamadam i don't think the makers of the show had any info on how infinity war ended (because of how paranoid marvel are with spoilers) so they did the best they could in the last few eps to join the mcu together and i think they did a pretty good job. the people who die at the end of iw are random either way and as much as it's way too lucky that none of them turned to ash it's not that hard to make yourself believe it still makes sense and works. honestly this show has fought its way to become what it is today, the characters and character arcs and character building this season was some of their best ever work. yeah the show has a low budget and you can see it, but it's so much more than what you reduced it to be. this episode was immense and you're 100% allowed to have your opinion ofc but this show and this cast deserves a lot more respect imo

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