Man in an Orange Shirt

This was so touching, honestly. It's insane to think how far we've come, how hard lgbt+ people in the past fought and hurt to make sure we didn't have to hurt as bad. I thought it was lovely how in the end Michael's letter fit almost perfectly with Adam and Steve's story .


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9/11: One Day in America

Just such incredible documentarian work done here. Not just the immense stock of footage they combed through and collected, but also the storytelling and story-mapping throughout the whole series. Very very well made. May every victim rest in perfect peace.

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honestly i love a good progressive show and i get that this is trying to reimagine hollywood but........ so. corny. god, second hand embarrassment was real. anyways the cast is amazing, and deserved a better script.

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My Brilliant Friend

The way this show's been made so far, from a cinematic point of view, is incredible. Some of the most inspired directional choices I've seen on tv lately, made even more interesting by the direct reference to the books and the way the show has excelled in the "show, don't tell" rule, even though it is based on a very introspective source material. They balanced Lenú's narration with simply showing us what she's thinking through visual cues, metaphors, camera angles, focus techniques, etc. It's excellent and super exciting to watch as a huge fan of the novels. The acting is phenomenal (I never even found any interest in Stefano in the books but what the actor did with the character here made him one of the most interesting ones to watch). Book two was my favourite in the series and season two was my favourite of the two so far as well. Let's see how season 3 fares with a more adult and political story to go off of.

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The Wilds

I really really like this show. Season 3 actually has the potential to be its best yet, which makes me nervous cus shows are notorious for fucking up third seasons, especially when there's this much potential.

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Schitt's Creek

I have to agree with another comment on this page when it comes to the fact that this show thrives because of its amazingly built charismatic characters who also happen to be funny as hell. David and Alexis are two of my favourite characters ever. It's also amazing how the show never loses steam. I binged it pretty quickly and with each season it just got better and funnier. I'm gonna miss it so much but i'm sure i'll have a rewatch pretty soon.

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