

Omicron Persei 8


I enjoyed this show quite a bit though I would find myself looking away when some of the less interesting plotlines came into play. What I think it does well is using the setting to show us just how much progress we've made and at the same time also how little progress we've made since Dickinson's day. We're still struggling against racism and sexism today. I find it more than believable that even great poets could have been temperamental brats. I really like Hailee Steinfeld's portrayal of a spoilt young woman who is too brilliant and different for her own good. Even when I'm mad at Emily for some of her choices, I can't hate her.

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Short and fluffy. Comfort food in TV form.

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Beauty and the Beast

I am in love with this cast!

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Wynonna Earp

I hate when shows end on cliffhangers to basically force fans to campaign for a second season on their behalf. "Write to Syfy", "tweet about the show" uh, how about you make a good show that's worth renewing on its own merits? That said, I'm pretty happy it got renewed for a second season because while it isn't the greatest show ever, it is quite entertaining. I don't think they needed to throw in Waverly being possessed at the end. The fact that Bobo cast doubt on her parentage was plenty and that just felt like the show being desperate.

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American Horror Story: Season 4

Not bad but my least favourite season so far. There were a lot of characters I liked or were intrigued by but I didn't feel like the show delved deep enough into any of them except maybe the twins. I still enjoyed it but I hate that Dandy was such a trash character but he was also my favourite to watch.

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The Good Dinosaur

A visually stunning Lion King knock-off that came off only half as touching. Since both this and Inside Out missed the mark, Pixar probably should stick to one film a year.

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Sailor Moon Crystal: 2x10 Act 24. Attack ~Black Lady~

An episode that really should have been called, "That's incest! ~Black Lady~"

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Sailor Moon Crystal: Season 1

I adore all things Sailor Moon but the senshi aside from Usagi are completely underdeveloped in Crystal. It felt like they prioritised tiara upgrades over actual character interaction. The original anime had many faults but you got a better sense of who each girl was. If you haven't read the manga and watch SMC as your first Sailor Moon media, it will be disappointing. In Crystal, I knew more about Motoki than the other girls and that's just not okay. As an old fan though, more Sailor Moon!

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Game of Thrones: 7x07 The Dragon and the Wolf

The only parts I liked were the Little Finger bit and Bran finally being useful.

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