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Veronica Mars

I love Veronica Mars, but this is just a bad movie. For those who have never seen the series, this movie is sure to turn them away from it with its cringey dialogue. I can only see those who were already fans of the show enjoying this, but even then it's pretty disappointing.

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The Princess Switch

Not nearly as endearing as The Parent Trap. Hudgen's accent is abysmal and the plot was predictable and boring.

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Interesting but quite unsettling subject matter. There is some particularly beautiful imagery scattered around, but the movie leaves you feeling as if it were all pointless. The movie could have been much better with better acting, writing, and more of a cohesive plot to begin with.

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You will feel completely lost for most of the movie, but it's all worth it in the end. Although a bit confusing at times, Memento is still engaging and entertaining. This is one of those movies that stick with you for some time after watching it and really make you think about the truth about existing in a constructed reality and the nature of the human condition. Definitely a movie worth multiple rewatches.

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