


The Master

Joaquin Pheonix may prety much be the best actor from his generation

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Iron Man 2

Absolutely dreadfulAbsolutely dreadfulAbsolutely dreadfulAbsolutely dreadful

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WWE WrestleMania XXX


My life has no meaning now...

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Man of Steel

I give up on super hero movies without Christian Bale as the hero

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The Amazing Spider-Man

The first hour of the movie is pretty much the same as the first Spider Man (2002), the second hour isn't very different too. They just replace Mary Jane with Gwen and Norman with Dr Conner. Sure the relationships between charcaters were a LITTLE different, but that's it

I'm a big fan of the Spider Man trilogy, which I have seen time and time again, and so it was weird to see a different cast in this movie. Old cast was way better in my opinion.

Overal it's an entertaining movie, but the ones who have seen the other Spider Man movies will not enjoy this movie very much.

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