Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery

Ah, I love it when I genuinely have fun when watching a murder mystery! I hope they'll manage to write another extravagantly entertaining adventure for Benoit Blanc's third screen exploit!

Oh, by the way, with everything that's been going on with Twitter, was anyone else eerily reminded of the mercurial "Chief Twit"'s antics when witnessing Miles Bron's chaotic decisionmaking? I don't think this was originally intended, but that character now definitely feels like a parody of Elon Musk lol

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@katrin-kaspersson it's also exactly what I thought.

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Total Recall

Good movie (7/10), plus an extra point for the prostitute with three breasts.

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@patuleia Hahaha oh god, this comment :sweat_smile:

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