Rocketship Supervolcano

1 follower

Bristol, England


I loved the original British series and the first two or three episodes of this were similarly gripping ( if you don't mind shows that are incredibly dark and spectacularly badly timed vis à vis world events). Unfortunately, as is often the case with a high-concept series it looks like they didn't have any idea how to finish it. In fact, the ending is so terrible I can't help thinking either it had to be produced in a great rush or it was a perverse attempt to ensure no second series would be done to finish it properly (although apparently there is a second series I can't access?)

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@drbrake There is no second series. The US version was cancelled weeks after the first was screened.

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Really enjoyed the series. It's probably one of the best Netflix shows I've watched.

The story was really good pretty much from the start. We were hooked trying to figure out who the monster was. I also liked that they didn't do the normal and try throwing in some CW love triangle that ruins the entire show.

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It was very obvious who the bad guys were from the start and there was a clear love triangle. One guy was seen as a suspect by Wednesday and he liked her. One guy wasn't seen as a suspect and Wednesday liked him. Three parties. Triangle.

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Aunty Donna's Big Ol House of Fun

What a steaming pile of -

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@aaroneamer someone had a sad childhood. Have you forgotten how to be silly or just never were as a child?

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This was honestly one of the worst shows I've ever seen. Mrs Brown's Boys level stuff.

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