Mike W.


Chicago, IL

Outer Range: Season 2

Season 1 seemed like a time-mystery with Western elements. Disappointingly, Season 2 flips the script and seems like a Western with time-mystery elements. The story-telling is just as good, but I can't say Westerns have ever captivated my attention. I quickly found myself watching this as more of a background, secondary-focus, rather than a sit and binge show.

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The Morning Show

This show is easily summed up: EXHAUSTING.

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The Space Between Us

Absolute garbage. By the end of the movie my companion and I couldn't hold back our audible laughter in the theater regarding the awful and implausible storyline and scenes. I was more than disappointed to see that Gary Oldman couldn't even save this movie from its horrendous writing. The movie's "plot" plays out as though a group of middle school kids were simply shouting out "and what if this happened next," and all their comments were cobbled together in a failed attempt at making a salvageable film. This movie should only be viewed once (if) it hits basic cable and you can relish in the commercials as respite from the mind-numbing rubbish that the 121 minutes of this film offer.

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How to Train Your Dragon

Dreamworks has FINALLY pulled off a movie with enough character, imagination, and heart to rival even the greatest Pixar films.

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