



My TV Shows Watchlist...


My favorite TV shows and movies.


My TV Shows I am waiting on a new season of...


My TV Shows I have Dropped...

I may have dropped shows for multiple reasons....

A show jumped shark, a character I liked left and a show just was not the same, bad decisions ruined a show, I just lost interest, I tried watching but it was just not for me, became stale, didn't like where a show was headed etc.

Some of these shows I may start watching again, others I will not.

As far as ratings go, I rate my dropped series before a series starts to go bad. An example is I rated NCIS an 8 because I really enjoyed it up to season 13 when I dropped it. If I were to continue to watch it after I lost interest my score would be lower because after season 13 I would not like it as much. Which is also why Criminal Minds is rated a 6 because I watched pretty much all of it and only enjoyed the first
like 8 seasons, the rest are bad.


My Plan to Watch TV Shows...

This is a very tentative list. Meaning I just put a bunch of shows on here if they look even a bit interesting. So I will not be watching them all. Most will probably get a few episodes watched and then will just get deleted off of this list.


I use IMDB for all of my movies so I am not going to add any movies on here until there is some sort of import option, as I have too many. The only movies added are those I watch that get automatically updated from Morph TV.

My IMDB Movies I've Seen List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls008438484/

My IMDB Movies to Watch List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls055044938/?ref_=otl_2
