Darren Rennels


San Francisco, California

Arrow: 1x05 Damaged

A lot of the threads established in previous episodes are finally starting to bear fruit. A few characters really, really should be recusing themselves from certain duties, but this is just a superhero show, let's not worry about that. The character beats are really solid and the action is fun. Amell is super jacked, I wonder how long that will remain the case, haha. I'm guessing in a few seasons we won't get a shirtless Oliver every episode...

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Arrow: 1x01 Pilot

Was hesitant to start a superhero show about a character I didn't care about, but I've been diving into DC lately and was curious about this whole Arrowverse. This pilot is pretty strong, I was suprised how good the action was and the cast was nicely filled out. I'm definitely going to binge this first season over the next few days.

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Arrow: 1x04 An Innocent Man

John Barrowman is in this too?!

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Arrow: 1x03 Lone Gunmen

Slight improvement on the last episode, if only because more elements are coming together and the soap opera melodrama is starting to grow on me. Still not sold on Colin Donnell, and Katie Cassidy is doing the best she can with pretty mediocre dialogue. The stuff with Thea is already starting to wear thin, hope she gets to do something substantial soon.

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Arrow: 1x08 Vendetta

I like Huntress as a character, but this execution does her no justice. I don't want to be too harsh on Jessica De Gouw's performance, I think she was miscast from the start. She isn't remotely convincing as an ice-cold, vengeful killer. The dialogue in this is doing no one any favours. Worse yet, this story arc would be a lot more compelling if it were so rushed. One episode with her and Oliver's fallen in love? And he's going to change her? It's kind of insulting that he even creates her outfit and weapon of choice.

The relationship drama in this between the various couples in this as melodramatic as ever, and I've largely warmed up to the cheesiness of it--but this specific episode has some poor writing. Still waiting for Diggle being able to do something. We got the one tease of him as the Hood, but now he's just the mopey voice of reason who is right about everything but is framed as a stick in the mud.

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Arrow: 1x07 Muse of Fire
  • I was looking forward to Huntress showing up, but oh no, this performance is pretty bad.
  • I still really, really don't care about Tommy, and these super bland songs are starting to get on my nerves.
  • That said, there's a lot going on, so any weaker elements are quickly forgotten with the next scene.
  • Colin Salmon is back (briefly), and it's a treat watching him and Susanna Thompson together.
  • I'm not sure why Thea is supposed to be a teenager, she doesn't act like one and doesn't hang out with other teens, nor does she seem to go to or talk about highschool. At this point, headcanon, she's just 22 or so like her actress.
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Arrow: 1x02 Honor Thy Father

Decent follow-up, mostly feels like it's trying to set up the season, which is fine. Perfectly entertaining on its own, I don't imagine it offers much on a rewatch.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 6x05 Schisms

I enjoyed the first half quite a bit, but once they figure out the source of their mystery, the last ten or so minutes resolving it are pretty unsatisfying.

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Arrow: 1x06 Legacies

The Tommy/Thea stuff is pretty icky, cringed the whole time. Doesn't help that I still don't like Colin Donnell. He feels like he's in a teen soap. I guess this show basically is a superhero soap, but he doesn't sync with the other actors, IMO.

It's pretty obvious the writers don't have a ton of stuff worked out for what happened on the island in the flashbacks. I mean, it's fine that they don't have entire arcs planned out, but at least don't make it so obvious you're making it up every week?

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