

Omicron Persei 8

Masters of the Universe: Revelation

Absolutely everything that true fans could have hoped for, and a treat for newcomers too. With an explosive start that hits the nostalgia button and then turning everything on its head, to the adventure which follows, the short first season does nothing but leave you wanting more. The sad and insecure little man-children review bombing this show are not fans, they're just weak losers jumping on some low-IQ bandwagon like the drooling sheep they are. Pathetic actions of pathetic people.. If you are intelligent you will appreciate what the creators have done in this passionate love letter to a classic.

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Marvel's M.O.D.O.K.

Surprisingly good show, great voice acting, unique characters, unpredictable and entertaining. Unlike other people even after watching 12k episodes of TV I'm not jaded and don't try to find reasons to dump on something, I watch things because I want to enjoy them. If you like Venture Bros you'll probably like this!

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Steven Universe Future

I really loved Steven Universe, I watched the entire series over the space of about a month and it was consistently surprising and touching. Unfortunately if I were to choose one word to describe Steven Universe Future it would be this: Disappointing. I think some of the ideas were solid but the actual execution mostly in the second half of the season was shallow, hollow and not well thought out at all. Turning Steven into someone with irrational and unprovoked anger issues is dumb and just makes him look like a d***head, like all people with those issues. There wasn't even a real explanation or satisfactory resolution to it. Puberty/teenage hormones are something we all go through but it is not normal at all for it to look like this so I'm not seeing how it could be relatable to anyone. I think it could have been so much better and honestly I almost regret watching. Everything other than Steven himself was fine, but considering he's the protagonist and takes up the majority of the focus/time I can't recommend it. There were a hundred better, deeper and more satisfying ways to reach the end point of the last episode.

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Unicorn: Warriors Eternal

It's Tartakovsky, you know what to expect, fantastic animation, beautiful art design, plenty of great and interesting ideas. However for this show I have to say the main character may just be the weakest aspect, maybe she just needed more character moments and glimpses into her internal struggle rather than 'I get angry now' but she was the least interesting and least engaging of them, just didn't quite land for me. Still that hardly stops it from being an entertaining and visually whimsical watch.

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The Cuphead Show!

Always a joy to watch, oozing style, personality and charm with incredible art just like the game. There's no other show like it, it's up there with other episodic greats like The Amazing World of Gumball. Having seen over 13k episodes of TV not including anime (5k) there's isn't much which feels fresh or surprises me anymore but this does. 9/10

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Miracle Workers

I have no idea what's going on with the second season, it's completely unrelated to the first and unexplained. But It was also a big surprise and honestly I enjoyed it much more than the first season! Definitely recommend giving it a watch for some light entertainment.

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It's Bruno!

Non dog people would not understand.

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It's Bruno!

Non dog people would not understand.

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It's Bruno!

Non dog people would not understand.

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It's Bruno!

Non dog people wouldn't understand.

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It's Bruno!

Non-dog people wouldn't understand.

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Cheese: A Love Story

Non-cheese lovers won't get it, this is easily an 8/10 show for those who do, fascinating and mouth watering.

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Resident Evil

Lance Reddick is the best part of this show, second being some admittedly cool CGI and action as a result of there clearly being some budget behind it, a few interesting ideas here and there. But the two sisters are terribly written and it is at times infuriating to watch their half of the show, who they are then vs as adults is not believable at all either (dumbass vs scientist for example). Quite a bit of other bad/lazy writing as well. Honestly this could have been saved by better writing alone as it has everything else it needs, I can't recommend it unless you have it playing on the side while doing something else. I'm happy to offer my editing services to any production out there by the way if it helps save us even a little bit from bad writing, the achilles heel of TV/Film.

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Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness

I've seen a lot of incredible things throughout 13k episodes of TV and 7k episodes of Anime. This is one of the worst.

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A Black Lady Sketch Show

Apart from one good joke the first episode is terrible, but don't let that put you off! The rest are far better with a decent amount of laughs.

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Cobra Kai

After a strong first season unfortunately the second has been an incredible disappointment. Dumb unrealistic high school BS being the worst offender As well as incredibly easily avoided misunderstandings and just an overall lack of cohesiveness or respect for the audience, not to mention being so predictable it's almost embarrassing. Was there another writer's strike that I didn't know about? The execution of this season has really let me down after the first season gave me hope, and it stings.

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The lead was mis-cast, the actor looks and sounds way too old. Otherwise sure, it can be awkward and messy, but I give this show big kudos for trying things most others wouldn't have the balls to. Plus it is entertaining (besides the dark, toxic, terribly written 8th episode, which while it does contain some semi-important foreshadowing would improve the series by being skipped), and at the end of the day that's what we came for in a show like this. I could see the ending coming a mile away because I knew it would want to subvert expectations, plus there were plenty of hints throughout, but it's still way better than a traditional one. Overall I wouldn't make it a priority but it's worth watching for the creativity.

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