


The Thick of It: Special 2 Spinners and Losers

The elongated episode length makes this special work better as a drama than it does as a comedy (though, there are some killer jokes, as per usual), but it all culminates beautifully in Glenn's meltdown, which acts as a cathartic release for the character, the audience, and everybody in the room who are all currently running on no-sleep and bitter, failed power plays. If you want to see glimpses of which major character still has their humanity left (hint: it's only one of them, and it's the one that likes to shout profanity the most), look no further at how everybody reacts to Glenn's embarrassingly revealing tirade. The Daily Mail subplot might actually be one of the best aspects of this particular special, because it serves as a hilarious "The Others"-style plotline, in which we see the utter insanity of these political "nutters" and what it looks like from the outside looking in.

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