When They See Us: 1x04 Part Four

fucking fake democracy and a broken fucking world!! just tell me the year this world will be a better place and I'll time travel to that fucking year!!

I mean "Murica" being the leading nations having such a fucking broken justice system makes me wanna puke and shit bricks at the same time!!

what kind of fucking world we live in, people that "catch" people for allegedly committing a crime should not be in charge of the damn integrations and confessions. Or take "alleged" criminals to a 24/7 live public feed "integration rooms" its 2019 already fucking hell twitch stream it!!

any and all conversation/confession/anything should be live. And cops should be able to produce Solid as Shit after breakfast evidence. What is this self incriminating bullshit. shouldn't even be legal for them to be able to have so much power over "alleged" criminals before the trial. they will obviously use that fucking time to show and exercise "POWER" like they always fucking have!! not only in American but everywhere else on this floating fucking rock!!

Come on already, 24/7 stream everything. Transparency = trust , I don't see another way.

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Chernobyl: 1x05 Vichnaya Pamyat
Chernobyl: 1x05 Vichnaya Pamyat
How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast): 1x06 If You Are the Smartest One in the Room, You're in the Wrong Room

9oooooooo weeee MDMA escolo yeeeahh

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Marvel's Daredevil: 3x13 A New Napkin

fuuuk what an ending. this show is what superheroes is about. Doing the morally right always above emotional driven "revenges". so much potential. Netflix pickup this and continue man wtf.
this is actually a really good show/writing/acting combo don't ruin it

I just can't believe that some dumb executive decided to cancel this. pure retard move

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Undercover: 1x10 Showtime

ending was okay. otherwise I enjoyed it a lot

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Chernobyl: 1x04 The Happiness of All Mankind

human body can literally withstand so much shit.

as seen in this episode, it's terrific, horrific and shocking to see them willingly accept a fucking radioactive duty which can fuck their life up pretty good but the KFuckingGB won't take international help. what a fucked up world. we need better international relationship across the globe to survive in such catastrophic events.

Humanity must strive for a better world from every small aspect to survive as a species

fucking make the whole world pop a tab of LSD and melt into oneness

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Impractical Jokers: 8x08 Cake Loss

ohhhhhhhhhh bou!!!!

the punishment was brutal!!! and brilliant!!!

would 11/10 bang that sex in the city cake girl.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 6x18 Suicide Squad (2)

wait... last episode?? please tell me there is more. this shows light hearted comedy gets me though this boring week.

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Doom Patrol: 1x14 Penultimate Patrol

10/10 the orgasm scene was so original and funny af.

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Chernobyl: 1x01 1:23:45

mother of God HBO!! make the next series about how war on drugs had failed worldwide and how to this day it still has life changing laws around the world because UN won't call off this stupid war!!!

it could easily be said it's a 3rd world war but just on consciousness!!

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Chernobyl: 1x02 Please Remain Calm

Hoollly shit :fearful::fearful::fearful::fearful::fearful::fearful:

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Impractical Jokers: 8x07 The Eggman

why does the bonus content cutt off when he says here's the best part...nooo?? why Jesus why!! this episodes should be longer with less cuts. these guys are very funny

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 6x16 Cinco de Mayo

amazing!! as always paraRuma ParaRuma !! Terry is cool af . this show has such a good relaxing vibe to it.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 4x14 Nip/Stuck

ok , smoked some DMT and went back to watching it. mona....still...sucks...but ...I somehow liked her a efforts in this one. I'll take back what I said earlier, but she needs to work hard!!

besides that omg what a nice show!! Eva finally said something funny after just crying and bitching the entire season about not getting enough sizzering time but when she said we were nip-notized lmao Good on her.


PS. get john his own show. he's too much of a character to have so little screentime.

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iZombie: 5x01 Thug Death

descent episode

hope they move the plot in some interesting direction

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Doom Patrol: 1x12 Cyborg Patrol

jizzing every minute watching this episode!!

what a show!

DC is killing it with this show! please keep the crew and cast the same , don't change shit! they're doing so well. Start making season 2 already!!

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 4x13 Egg MacGuffin

can't stand Mona and her bs

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Doom Patrol: 1x11 Frances Patrol

better have season 2 out fast. delaying the next season will kill the shows (((vibe)))

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Family Guy: 17x18 Throw It Away

my kinda garbage <3. 8/10

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Justice League vs. the Fatal Five

Man I loved this so damn much!!!

Solid 10/10!

A blast to the past if you will , get this on blue ray grind up some top notch bud and sit back and watch your favourite superheros fight like they did back when cartoon network had those Sunday morning superhero shows.

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Impractical Jokers: 8x03 Tipping Point

why just why end it!!

make the ending punishment an hour long. Gold like this can only be struck very rarely. The tips punishment was the shit lmfao funny!!!!!!

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The Grand Tour: 3x14 Funeral for a Ford

man when they said the show came to an end, my heart stopped. seeing Jeremy cry a little my dick shrunk!! I absolutely love that bloke who asked that question from the audience. all the blood rushed back into my PP.

@Nasa @science pls make immortality pill ASAP !!

we need these 3 forever to keep doing this!! generation and generation should have these 3 just reviewing cars, jets, spaceships!!

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Doctor Who: 11x09 It Takes You Away

Dr.whooo??? morr like Dr.WHY

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The Grand Tour: 3x12 Legends and Luggage

Grand daddy tours. so much fun. so much fun

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Impractical Jokers: 8x01 Crash Test Dummies

oh yeah , keep it coming

oh yeah... eh eh oh yeah..

keep it coming, keep it coming

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Doom Patrol: 1x07 Therapy Patrol

the rat twist was amazing. the show is touching on so many topics so quickly and so vaguely, leaves room for a lot of fan speculation and theories. this is how you write a show!!

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Santa Clarita Diet: 3x10 The Cult of Sheila

watched this in one day!! what a show.

the old lady jumping across hallway, comedic genius.

seriously whoever came up with that should lead the show!! fucking amazing season as always. funny AF. keep it coming guys.

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The Grand Tour: 3x12 Legends and Luggage

cannot wait!! just saw the trailer.

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Doom Patrol: 1x06 Doom Patrol Patrol

Brendan Fraser is always killing it with his query comebacks and funny shit like what a tit! :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: make this man do a lot more stuff. very overlooked comic

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