


Titans: 1x11 Dick Grayson

finally an episode the felt like it was from DC!!

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South Park: 22x09 Unfulfilled

the very next day Amazon was in news lmao

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Narcos: Mexico: 1x05 The Colombian Connection

OMG. this episode made his jizz multiple times. Pablo. Cali. so many moment that would be audience cheers and ampoules if it were to be in big screens!! I think it's time we get Netflix screening in local theater with some subscription model passes. this right here is the future ladies and gentlemen!!

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South Park: 22x06 Time to Get Cereal

this was amazing! cops having to pin down "someone" to get back to normal life is not fiction. It's a hard reality that no matter how important/prestigious of a Job you do at the end of the day you have family/self interest to pull you back, something lingering in your mind which often isn't important but our mysterious brain doesn't prioritize .

so much in this episode is like OG South Park hitting multiple strings of reality and maximizing every joke into real life meta crisis situations we come across being humans .

yeah I'm on a solid [9] when I was watching this.

hits blunt!

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: 13x10 Mac Finds His Pride

what even, can't even, whhaat?

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The Predator

go baked , there is no other way to enjoy this

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pg rating bs killed the movie, this should have violence just like Deadpool

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Impractical Jokers: 7x22 Autograph Corrector

welllll this episode was more solid than the shit I take after eating bread!! amazing and everfunny

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South Park: 22x05 The Scoots

the consistency at which South Park had been delivering is mind blowing!! I just hope they keep doing what they're doing even in these tough time just hold on to something during the shit Strom and get out stronger than ever before!

You will also be able to eat peanut butter sandwich and Kelly cream blue haze nuts (+_+)

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The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst: 1x06 Chapter 6: What the Hell Did I Do?

ending!! OMG. it raises the question if your smarter than everyone else around you, should you really be excused from the punishment? hmmmmm

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Impractical Jokers: 7x21 Out of Left Field

these 4 friends have been doing this for 7 seasons and still funny and original all the time. hard to pull that off honestly. guess that's what having great friends is like. keeping it fresh for life!! 10/10

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 4x01 The Virgin Gary

excellent and fresh. 9/10.

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Impractical Jokers: 7x20 Hump Day

punishment was okay but q staying back even though he didn't have to made it work!!

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: 13x07 The Gang Does a Clip Show

episode starts of weirdly enough to quality for interesting watch, 10 mins in and the meta game gets deeper and deeper every possible time.

fun episode!

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South Park: 22x04 Tegridy Farms

this episode is what I want in my life!!

legalized it worldwide!! come on this plant is the shit , tegridy my regridy please!!

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Better Call Saul: 3x10 Lantern

hooly Jesus! what a way to end the episode. mental health is such an undigonosed thing. we need to talk more about mental health and legalization of marijuana as marijuana needs to be legalized worldwide

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: 13x04 Time's Up for the Gang

this episode was a monster but I can't prove it!!

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Archer: 9x06 Some Remarks on Cannibalism

buttnaked thicc plot . very much like Archer in the olden days.

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The Flash: 4x22 Think Fast

this episode was great. good plot movement.
harry and iris make a good team. I think I can get used to dumb harry

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Family Guy: 16x19 The Unkindest Cut

need more doctor in the scenes

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Family Guy: 16x18 HTTPete

so much irony. 2real4irl material deep-rooted

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 5x20 Show Me Going

show must go on!! this episode was great

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The Flash: 4x20 Therefore She Is

good show. good pacing. 10/10 we need this flash than the one running behind iris

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 5x19 Bachelor/ette Party

lol this episode was a blast, charters stepping out of regular zone. Gina asking permission to crack a joke is a joke itself on how sensitive 2018 has been for comedy

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Silicon Valley: 5x06 Artificial Emotional Intelligence

killed it bruh!!

ending track had me laughing so hard. spot fuçkn on!!

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Archer: 9x01 Strange Pilot

this was great! Archer being Archer

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The Last Man on Earth: 4x15 Designated Survivors

cliffhanger cliffhanger


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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 5x17 DFW

bring this show to Netflix. 10/10

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 5x16 NutriBoom

amazing episode !!

this show is pure fun. it should be on Netflix

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x16 I, Ava

fuck Amaya and her pussy driven logic

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