Top Gear

Infinitely watchable. There's always an episode you missed and if there's not, every single episode is rewatchable and it will still be hilarious. The cinematography is also outstanding. This is all speaking of the Clarkson-era Top Gear, ofcourse.

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@zotobom I can't agree more. I loved the show, but as many people on this website know, many new shows are born every year, and many others die. At least, if you digitally store your media, you won't have to collect, process and store all the new episodes.
Thankfully, Amazon is launching a new show, The Grand Tour (should premiere this autumn actually). It is sad to be of very high budget, and i'm really hyped, because what made Top Gear such a great show were the hosts. I don't care if it was all scripted (many of the writers moved to Amazon too) but their humor and style was (and hopefully still is) amazing.

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